I think the most difficult part about building my 701 is to find somebody to give me some instructions on how to fly it.I read a lot about it on the Internet but I need practical experience.Can anybody help?

Heinz Genrich

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Comment by Debra and Patrick Nesbitt on December 2, 2010 at 5:03pm
On take off my air speed instrument was not working, went flying by the rpm. Trace everything back to the air speed gauge. Lying on my back wedge under the dash I removed and found the fitting on the back was cracked. I replaced fitting and re-installed instrument. Did taxi and was working again, took off flying did circuit and landed. Took off again and as I was leaving the area I though I saw a spark on the dash, was not sure as was pretty sunny at the time. I decide to return and check this out. Returned and landed checked under the dash best I could, could not see or smell anything. Took off again and just after lift off and on climb out, up in smoke. On investigation I believe that i must have knocked a hot lead off when removing or installing air speed gauge. I have know cut out the panel living a 3/4 inch aroung the outside and have made a new panel that will fasten over where the old was. This in the future if I have togged in behind panel I just remove screw. This way this will not happen again to me.
Comment by Ghazan Haider on November 8, 2010 at 7:29pm
I second that question. Please do let us know about the wiring issue. I'm about to make my first electrical decisions.
Comment by Heinz Genrich on November 8, 2010 at 7:06pm
Hi,Debra and Patrick!
Why did your wiring burn up?Please let me know so i can learn from that.Mark is not quite ready to give instructions on the 701.He inspected my plane last week and found about 15 snags which I have to fix.Please let me know about your wiring,because mine is all homemade.
Heinz Genrich
Comment by Debra and Patrick Nesbitt on November 8, 2010 at 6:27pm
Heinz, check with Mark @ Can-Zac I am pretty sure he has a completed 701 that is flying and might be able to help you out, I only needed about 5 hours dual to feel comfortable flying the 701. Once I went solo, I did a lot of circuits one right after another, I would do 5 or 6 then take a break then go at it again, in my case I found the landings harder than lift off. I did about 40 plus take off and landings before I started cross country. This practice helped me I believe when on take off about 400 ft on climb out the wiring burned up in my plane and i was able to do a landing almost blind as the cabin had filled up with smoke with no harm to me or the 701.
Comment by Chris Aysen on November 1, 2010 at 8:17am
Heinz - A builders' assistance shop might be what you need. However, you're probably just looking at the whole picture instead of one part at a time. The assembly manual is a really good source of information and process planning. FOR NOW, try to follow it and make one part at a time; concentrating on that one part.
Comment by David Abbott on October 30, 2010 at 6:44am
Heinz, The title of your post says "instruction to fly". The body of your post says "instructions on building". Sorry if I responded to the incorrect inquiry.
Comment by David Abbott on October 30, 2010 at 6:35am
Heinz, I am done with rudder and stabilizer, just completing skin on elevator. I am not an expert, but have learned an approach that seems to work for me:
1. Attitude: I am building a safe, functional airplane, not a piece of art.
2. Have a plan for each day's efforts.
3. What am I trying to do: Read and study the factory manual for the part I am working on; study the detailed plans and get all needed dimensions written down.
4. How am I going to accomplish the building - techniques to use - watch the HomebuiltHELP.com DVD.
5. Write out my own plan for the day.
6. If something seems wrong or puzzles me during the work WAIT til tomorrow and further thinking before going on.
7. Best tools in my shop = patience & thinking.

Comment by Ghazan Haider on October 29, 2010 at 10:06pm
I haven't finished my CH750 so I'm not qualified to teach. However I lean towards reading a LOT on any subject and was going crazy about all kinds of specifications. Watched people at Can-zac build parts and they were just very quick and informal (quick snip here, drill there, not the 10 min of fretting I did). I found that the rudder took me a LOT of time trying to go with perfection (and not a single scratch on it).

Elevator is being completed now and I just try to do a good job and stay within the engineering tolerances. It's all just a drill, a few snips, TONNES of deburring and maybe 30 min of riveting per major part.

Let us know if you've learnt things that aren't written anywhere obvious..

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