After two years and one month N6ZK, my 601XL is ready to fly.
The FAA inspected it this morning and we both left happy.
It has been a good two years. The kit was really straightforward to build.
I'll send pictures the day that I fly it.
It looks like next week. It has a Lycoming 0235 with an electronic ignition, and an Ellison throttle body.
It has not been painted yet, and will not be until I have had a chance to fly it during the warm weather.
Bill Campbell

Views: 119


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Comment by Tim Garrett on May 25, 2009 at 11:26am
Bill, I'm reposting here your response to my question so everyone can see it:

At 9:05am on May 25, 2009, William Campbell said… Tim
The NTSB letter did come up, and he did have me sign for a copy that he gave me.
I am not using piano hinges.
Comment by Dr. Edward M. Moody II on May 24, 2009 at 2:17pm
Congratulations brother. You have just joined a select group who have actaully finished an aircraft and get to fly it. You will want some significant tothers to share the experience of the first flight but beware, people that you care very much about and who care very much about you will distract you from the busy experience of a first flight. Keep it simple and choreographed in advance. You don't have room in your head to make everyone's fantasties come true on first flight day, don;t ask me how I know that. Your plate will be full and someone will be disappointed.

Comment by Tim Garrett on May 24, 2009 at 9:11am
You are now AIRWORTHY! All that work and you get a little pink slip of paper. Not even a full sheet of paper! But that is all that is keeping you out of the air.

I'm curious - did the subject of the NTSB letter come up? I'm sure the ailerons were looked at. Do you have piano hinges or hingeless?
Comment by Mark Ertz on May 22, 2009 at 9:52pm
Congrads! Next great step; First flight is special. Fotos are good & video is better. Don't let anybody or anything distract you. Enjoy the moment. I recommend "Less is More". Use as few features of your a/c as possible. Each following flight focus on adding a new feature. Keep it simple. Some pilots try all their bells and whistles on the first flight and get behind the a/c. T/O, turn left three times and land. Your 601XL will flies great w/o flaps, w/o trim and w/o power (will not much power). After landing do post flight check and repeat the flight w/ another focus point. Small, smooth moves will make your first flight as planned. Remember to enjoy the moment.
Comment by Richard Vetterli on May 22, 2009 at 4:38pm
Bill, as I'm getting close to my inspection, I'd love to hear more about the inspection process. How long did it take? Is there any advise or suggestions you can offer to other builders? Good luck with the first flight. Let us know how it goes.
Comment by Stephen R. Smith on May 22, 2009 at 3:29pm
Fantastic! Another one ready for the skies! Glad to hear it. Keep us posted.


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