I have been experimenting the last few weeks trying to figure out how to best create the joggles to go over the .093  longerons on the lower fuselage.

I tried the wood block method given in the zenith cd. I tried  the slotted aluminum sheet method as I had seen on the EAA homebuilder tips videos. I tried a third  method shown in the homebuilt help using a tucking fork and a hammer. I tried my vice. Perhaps it was  just due a lack of skill on my part, but the joggles I got using those methods looked awful.

Below is what I came up with that gave me joggles that looked like what I wanted to see in a joggle.

I happen to have a rather heavy welding table and 1.5x3 inch steel blocks. A piece of ..093 and a piece of .04 sheet metal are taped down to the blocks to form the joggle. The edges of the aluminum were rounded over a bit to minimize putting any creases in the angle.

The aluminum to be joggled is sandwiched in between the steel blocks, aligned and clamped down.

The aluminum is formed using a wooden block, a 2x4 in the case, and a 5 pound sledge hammer. A couple of blows is all it takes. The biggest headache for me with joggling was getting the vertical side to displace nicely. A heavy hammer makes sure that the vertical edge moves to create the joggle. Having all the extra heavy metal supporting the aluminum makes the energy of the blows goes into the area of interest.

Below is the final result of the effort.

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Comment by Damon Brantley on March 23, 2016 at 8:06pm

I should also add that the steel blocks actually are from that hydraulic press.

Comment by Damon Brantley on March 23, 2016 at 8:04pm

I tried to use a hydraulic press, but I could not get the angled side to displace down as much as I wanted to see.

Comment by peter vetter on March 23, 2016 at 7:44pm

how about shimming the stiffeners in a hydraulic press ?

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