Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Suzy Patey is responsible for the following challenges in Ghana. Thank you Suzy...
You see, SHE pasted nice pictures of a windshield fairing on her 801. Our girls told me that our 'silicon putty windshield seal looked ugly'. So, I told them 'If you can do better - go do!'.... and they did.
When we teach the girls here in Ghana, they have to write up all that they do - and so, you all now have three students renditions of 'How to Make your Own Fibreglass Windshield Fairing' - but please remember, these are young ladies from the African bush. Juliet ( Juliet's Instructions... ) has completed Senior High School, Emmanualla ( Emmanuella's version ) completed Junior High School and Lydia ( Lydia's fibre glass fairing instructions ) only had a couple of years in school before coming to us.... for all of them this is the first few months of using a computer.
I have not corrected their spellings or grammer (you will be able to tell) and each rendition has its own 'flavour'.
Please enjoy - and if you would like to thank the girls for giving these instructions, please go to the Medicine on the Move Website and donate - or send funds directly to Zenith Aircraft Company, marked 'WAASPS/MoM'. If you would like to sponsor one of the girls in Ghana, we hope to start some more soon.... just think what they could produce as 'extras' for your planes?
Have a wonderful season of rest and recuperation, for 2012 will be a busy one... for us, we will be changing even more lives, one flight at a time....
OH, I thought you meant to dampen down the areas around the mould making!!! It would not be easy to add resin to the glass first - we have about 2mins working time in the 30 -40 C working temps we enjoy here.... usually have to make a couple of mixes for even a small part! :-)
Thanks David! Excellent points, and we look forwards to your visit out here soon!!!
The masking tape we use has a waxed surface, it is all we can get, so it helps us out a lot! The glass rarely if ever sticks to the surface. Due to the temps here, if we bring in the 'non waxy' type masking tape it spoils and is un-useable in about 2 weeks... so pre-waxed low cost masking tape is cool! I like the idea of adding water - that is a good one, and we will use that next time around. If you register at we can send you out regular updates on the crazy life changing stuff we do out here! Take care and please, please keep on encouraging us! Cheers
I love it.. Good work ladies!!
Juliet, Emmanuella, and Lydia,
You all did a fantastic job, both on your workmanship and instructions. Thank you for sharing it with us.
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