NavWorx ADS600-EXP Global AMOC (Alternative Means of Compliance) Disable UAT

Today, I received a letter from the FAA approving my application for an AMOC (alternative means of compliance) for the AD affecting the NavWorx ADS600-EXP:

A little background:  The ADS600-EXP is subject to an AD that requires the unit either be totally disabled or removed from the airplane.  Subsequently, NavWorx ceased business and there will be no modifications forthcoming to allow use of the ADS600-EXP as a fully functional UAT/ADS-B in and out transceiver.

When the ADS600-EXP UAT is not completely configured, the ADS600-EXP defaults to a receiver-only function and the transmitter is disabled. In an attempt to retain some functionality of the ADS600-EXP, I applied for a global AMOC to allow the ADS600-EXP to continue to be used as a receiver-only for FIS services and (limited) TIS services.  Obviously, this will NOT meet the 2020 mandate and a user will only receive TIS services if another UAT in the area triggers the data.  Also, the TIS data/traffic "donut" will NOT be centered on the plane with the ADS600-EXP.

Obviously, this AMOC will only be of value to those who want to continue to receive FIS and limited TIS information as an alternative to purchasing another ADS_B receiver, or, those who happen to have an ADS-B out-only UAT such as the uAvionix skyBeacon and wish to have a receiver for full in-and-out ADS-B capability.

Here is the relevant portion of the 10/26/2017 email that lists the steps necessary for compliance with the AMOC:

  1. Utilize the NavWorx “UAT Console EXP (avionics installer)” configuration software to access the ADS600-EXP.
  2. Set the “Transponder Interface” input box to “NONE.”
  3. Verify the transmitter has been disabled by assuring the software displays a red box “UAT not configured for flight.”
  4. Place a placard on the ADS600-EXP unit “NavWorx ADS600-EXP UAT Transmitter Disabled.”
  5. Perform a test flight and request a FAA Public ADS-B Performance Report and verify that no report was generated to verify the UAT transmitter is disabled.
  6. Make a logbook notation that the NavWorx ADS600-EXP UAT Transmitter is disabled and now functions as an ADS-B IN only receiver.

This is a global AMOC which means anyone can use it.  I am providing this information for your information, but cannot provide support or software.  I would caution anyone doing this AMOC to carefully test the ADS600-EXP in conjunction with all other electronic devices (especially ADS-B UAT out transmitters) on the aircraft to assure there are no interference problems.


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