Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
I accumulated this over 5 years and 4 months. Annuals have been non-events for the airframe - finally had to install new brake pads during my recent annual and that's about it for parts over 5 years! At about 100 hrs I did replace the 800 series tires with 600 series, but that was just personal preference. They look like they'll be good for one more year.
The Jabiru required a Bendix clutch replacement on the starter and I recently pulled the #5 cylinder head because of fouled plugs on that cylinder only - I suspected a valve guide leak, but the valves and guides checked out OK. I went ahead and had new valves installed since the head was off and they aren't very expensive. I've since switched from iridium plugs back to conventional electrode plugs and they seem to be doing better. At the last annual, compression was 78/80 or better in all 6 cylinders!
Most of the work I've done on the plane has been modifications. I removed the slats, installed VG's, installed fences and extended elevator tips on the tail, reinforced the belly hatch, and most recently, switched-out the Bing carb on the Jabiru to an AeroInjector so as to have a mixture control.
I have to say the STOL 750 has far exceeded my expectations - it's dependable and durable. It is truly one of the best projects I've ever done! I love the fact that since it is experimental, I can modify and tweak to my heart's content!
Strong work! Thanks for all the contributions. Keep it up.
Well done John, Zenith and Jabiru are a great combination aren't they! I have 460 hrs on my 601XLB and Jabiru 3300. Mine has been problem free too. All I have done is replaced the standard generator with an alternator, so battery charges at idle. Couldn't be happier with the aircraft.
Fantastic milestone. .. thanks for sharing your experience. Hope to incorporate some of your mods in mine.
Congrats on 500 hrs and thanks for the review John!
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