Just saw the new 750 cruiser. Anybody ever removed there leading edge slats to see how much cruise speed would increase?  Maybe you could store them in the fuse somehow when not needed:)

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Comment by Michael T. Klukas on April 14, 2013 at 3:58am
I just found this post in the forum that sheds some light on the subject:

"Reply by Clemens Kramer on November 24, 2010 at 7:19am

I have VG's on my wing, took the slats off( left the brackets on so I can put the slats back on). The take off roll is longer, about 100% (350 ft). The landings for me are about the same 600 to 800 ft. As I have said many times, I'm not a bush pilot but I'm getting better. Fuel consumption is better, from 6 gal/hr down to 5 1/2. Cruise speed is up about 5 mph. My prop is set for cruise so take off roll could be better but I'm not taking my "baby" into anything shorter than 1500 ft anyway. It's a personal choice, for $ 100 and a little time I was willing to try them. I do have the Z VG's on my the elevator also. Hope this helps"

Another post talked about a modification that makes taking slats on and off easier.
Something to think about before I build the wings.

Now just need a place on or in the fuse to store them without adding drag or CG problems :)
Comment by Michael T. Klukas on April 14, 2013 at 3:25am
Hi Bob, I was thinking about the removal of the leading edge slats not the wing struts. I know they create lift but I think they also create drag and lower glide ratio. I think Sebastian was the one who said maybe 4-5 mph increase. I was just wondering if anyone had tried it. Love the new plane but will stick with my STOL.
Comment by Bob McDonald on April 13, 2013 at 9:09pm

The CH750 Cruzer has a different wing air foil, it looks like a CH601XL wing??? It has a single strut... but I would not recommend removing one of those to get a higher CH750 STOL cruise speed. The tail fin and rudder design is totally different than any previous "all flying" Zenith rudder. The horizontal stabilizer is shorter and not an inverted airfoil design.... long story short version is the CH750 STOL and CH750 Cruzer are two very different aircraft with very different flight missions. The higher cruise airspeed is also only achieved using the 130 hp UL Power 350iS engine. An excercise in marketing in its purest form. So the answer to your question is "Removing the leading edge slats from a CH750 STOL does not a CH750 Cruzer make". It will probably be like the old Coke "Classic" vs. Coke that tastes like Pepsi ! ;>)

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