I purchased the upgraded  Z-750 plans & the instrument panel blank so I could start the project by transferring my avionics and instruments to the panel. This way I can get the project going while I get the shop set up and decide how much scratch building I could or should do?

I am also thinking about going to the rudder workshop and while there purchase some of the tools I will need for the build?

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Comment by Michael T. Klukas on April 14, 2013 at 4:14am
Good point. I am thinking very basic at this point with my Garmin GPS and my Ipad2 with snap in surface mounts on both sides of the panel and a nav/com and Transponder in the center. I am going to probably sell my steam gauges from my last project and keep the kx125 and Garmin Transponder. I have a GRT case for install but have decided against it for now. I also have a Narco G/S that has too go.
The only thing I will need to know is if there is enough depth for the radios.
Maybe GRT will let me trade the case and meter in towards the EIS.
Comment by Bob Simmons on January 8, 2013 at 12:42pm

If you haven't built before I highly recommend the workshop.  I also wouldn't start mounting anything to the panel until you have the structure around it complete.  What fits on the panel itself may not necessarily fit behind the panel.

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