I have an O235L2C in my 601XL.
It has E-Mag ignitions, an Ellison throttle body, a Warp drive three bladed prop, and a remote oil filter. There nis one electric fuel pump, and one mechanical.
I would like to hear from anyone else that has a similar set up.
I have flown the airplane, but not often. I had it inspected by the FAA for certification about the time that the NTSB sent the letter squaking about the airplane being unsafe. I flew it anyway, but was not comfortable with it. I just didn't trust it.
I am happy that the airplane will be out of service for a while while I install the upgrades.
I will have a lot more confidence in this nice little airplane once I have done that.

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Comment by Mark Ertz on November 21, 2009 at 8:00am
The airframe is the focus on the XL. You are still not grounded by the FAA if you built it yourself. You the repairman, determine if the a/c is airworthy or not. However, July of this years Zenith did put out a lesser flight envelope. 1255 lbs., 140 vne, etc. Read it if you are going to continue to fly w/o upgrades. A lot of die hards do not understand if they are keep flying w/o upgrades they got to slow down, avoid turbolance & smooth out their control inputs.
Recently, I flow off my last tank of fuel and will begin to disassemble the a/c for upgrades. I also visited Sebastain and the Mexico factory boys to look at the work in progress on their demo XL. As a first time builder I think I can handle the upgrades this winter in a few months.

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