Raffle for David Clark Headset open to all Zenair Newsletter Subscribers!!!

Wicks Aircraft Supply has donated a top-of-the-line David Clark headset,
model H20-10XL, to the Zenair Newsletter which will be raffled off at the Zenith Builders Dinner at Oshkosh Airventure (held at the usual Robbins Restaurant dinner location) on July 29. These top of the line noise cancelling headsets are valued at over $700 (Thank you, Wicks Aircraft!)
Click this link:
http://www.davidclark.com/headsetpgs/H20-10XL.htm for more details.

All current newsletter subscribers are automatically entered to win! You need not do anything - all subscribers that have their current (July 2010 - June 2011) subscription paid at the time of drawing will be automatically entered and are eligible to win. Each subscriber has an equal chance to win - employees and associates of Zenair Newsletter, Zenith and their distributors will not be eligible to win. The drawing will take place during the Zenith Builders Dinner at EAA AirVenture on July 29, 2010.

This means it is TIME to renew your Zenair Newsletter subscription or JOIN now! Simply Click Here now to renew online. You can also send a check to the address listed, if preferred. (History shows that many subscribers procrastinate on renewing until months later - this makes the raffle much easier to win for those of you that renew on time!) The winner does NOT need to be present to win - every Newsletter subscriber has an equal chance to win!

Each issue (published 6 X each year) comes with a free DVD that shows video of current Zenith events, interviews and builder contributed activities from around the world. Many subscribers purchase back issues with DVDs and there is also an Archive disk with over 25 years of Zenith material available with electronic searching.

Details on the Zenith Dinner at Oshkosh

Views: 131


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Comment by Jon Croke on July 8, 2010 at 12:10pm
Here are some unsolicited comments from our newsletter members:

"Thanks for the excellent newsletter. The dvds are as good as you can get.
The only improvement is to be monthly."
Jack, Ashland, TX

"I have just renewed my membership to the magazine and I wanted to send a personal
note to you thanking you for the new magazine format. When the "news" arrives
everything gets put on hold and my wife and I sit down and watch the DVD. I am
sure it is a real effort coming up with materail for both the magazine and DVD.
We both wish you continued success with the new format."
Stu, Ontaio Canada

"Thanks for a great Publication & DVDs"
Roland, Bennington, VT

"You are doing a great job with the NL, keep it up."
Ron, Detroit, MI

"Thanks for the reminder, you are correct I dont want to miss an issue.
I've just watched DVD start to finish. Enjoyed the Rotax lecture and the other features.
I look forward to the arrival of the Newsletter. It is something I devour whenever it drops on the mat."
Andrew, Staffordshire, UK

"Another great newsletter and DVD....
The last newsletter was very much appreciated as it contained lots of 701 and 750 information.
I have picked up at least seven or eight points I will put in my 701.
Love the newsletter since you have taken over.
I feel like I should be paying more for this newsletter.
Keep up the good work"
Mike, Punta Gorda, FL

"You're doing a great job with the newsletter. Love the DVD's!"
Jeff, Plain City, OH

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