Repairman Certificate Amateur Built

Finally got around to applying for my Repairman Certificate. My XL is an EAB, Experimental Amateur Built. I applied last year when I received my Airworthiness, but it was kicked back by the Salt Lake City FSDO. You are required to apply in person, Boise and Portland have the same requirement.

I had been using my plans as my building log, writing the date on the pages that section was completed. There were many pictures stored on my laptop. And I sent the link to my Blog page here at where I had documented the SAIB upgrade extensively. didn't exist when I began building. So, all you really need is the plans with notes and Blogs detailing your progress on this site.

He had viewed my Blogs, showed him a few pages with dates on my plans and we discussed the SAIB upgrade. That was all it took to convince him I had built my XL. Walked out 15 minutes later with my Temporary Airman Certificate with the privileges of "Experimental Repairman". The permanent certificate will be mailed.

The timing is perfect, I'm due for a Condition Inspection at the end of this month.

Live long a prosper!


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Comment by Jake Reyna on June 24, 2011 at 7:27am
Bob, it doesn't take much to prove you built your airplane, more information is better. Used to be that a written diary and some pictures is all you needed. Writing notes and dates on the plans acts as the diary. Using this site not only allows you to share with other builders, it serves as another form of validation. The hardest part of getting my certificate was driving 3 hours to the FSDO :-) It is a good feeling knowing that you have earned your certificate.
Comment by Robert Crawford on June 23, 2011 at 8:28pm

Jake, I never started a blog but have been taking a lot of pictures and video's to document the build. I decided I better make sure I am in some of the pictures, and on the videos I usually start by giving the date. I am several years away from completion but I hope the pics and video will be enough. Congratulations on the Repairman Certificate.


Comment by Jake Reyna on June 19, 2011 at 4:11pm
If all goes well, I'll be back in Idaho in a few weeks to do the Condition Inspection, install some modified parts and do some flying. Looks like July could be the month I finally move the airplane to Bend and start doing some flying and there will be more modifications :-) It's good to be Experimental, there are no limitations.
Comment by Louis W. Ott on June 19, 2011 at 1:16pm
Congratulations Jake! I have found your blog to be very helpful to me and I'm sure others have too.
Comment by Michael J. Aichele on June 19, 2011 at 12:14am
Congratulations!  I know you must be proud of your finished airplane and the fact that you can now maintain it yourself.  Have fun!

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