I've spent a considerable amount of time researching streamlined strut covers to reduce drag, better performance.  I've found that uflyit.com sells two sizes.  The smaller size fits our (701) struts, but are very difficult to slide on unless you use some form of lube.  I used silicone, and they went on very nicely as opposed to doing one with no lube (very hard), and baby powder on one (no difference).  They look good and are secure.  you can change the angle of attack fairly easily.  The larger ones need to be secured to the strut.

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Comment by Roger Wibbels on October 19, 2013 at 9:38pm
The strut covers are very tight fitting and won't go over the upper fittings. I simply drilled a 3/4" hole for the jury strut bolts. I may make some covers for the upper fittings later.
Comment by Loren Otto on October 19, 2013 at 9:56am
Roger, I'm on my 701 aft fuselage now; fwd fuselage next... and then landing gear and wing struts. Empennage and wings done, but I/B flaperons to do yet. I'm wondering about the wing strut fairings you used. It looks like they don't cover the entire strut length and are bolted through at the jury struts, is that right? Any flights with them yet?
Thanks, Loren
Del Norte, CO
Comment by Roger Wibbels on October 17, 2013 at 11:02pm

Posted a picture in the latest activity.  Haven't figured this thing out yet.

Comment by Randy Boykin on October 16, 2013 at 10:30pm
Do you have a picture of the struts?
Comment by Ben Haas on October 15, 2013 at 9:10pm

I added the strut fairings on my 801...They made a HUGE difference...


Here is a link to the thread..



Comment by Harmen van der Velden on October 15, 2013 at 6:35pm

did the same thing last week, the difference is incredible, i am still not  used to the fact that my 701 is now slippery (less drag) gained about 7-10 mph in level flight  The 701 now actually has a flare. Big improvement Installation was not bad , did all 4 in an afternoon, including rewiring the strut mounted lights (those will go into the slats when I get time for that mod this winter.) I think that the fairings gain is possibly what the floats will lose ( but so far only finished one)

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