Got brave today and cut the wing spar webs. After I come up with some kind of Rube Goldburg contraption to hold everything flat and secure, I'll use the fly cutter to cut the .95 mm holes. Debating on how to do the spar rivets, buy a rivet squeezer or build the rivet setter. Any suggestions?

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Comment by Eric Bouchard on September 14, 2011 at 12:09pm

I have use a c squeezer to set spar web with a longeron yoke.  Easy and clean.  Many rivets was out of reach and i use a 2x gun at 45 psi for those.  I'm waiting for 7 1/2 inch double offset set to do the rest.

I can give you a hint.  For the rear rib angle when you are ready to set, do heavy rib channel first and all l rib bracket.  End with all other rib channel.  You will be able to use a c squeezer allmost all of them.  I have rivet L bracket to rib channel of the left wing first and i have to do all rivet with gun and bucking bar.

Comment by Robert Reinero on August 1, 2009 at 1:28pm
I used a cheep fly cutter and went very slow. it worked just fine.
Comment by Kevin McCune on July 31, 2009 at 5:41am
Hi Robert! I am starting on the main spars soon, I was thinking of two plywood templates clamped around the sheet and a router to cut the holes. It is a big floppy mess, the tail spares were too but not so long, I just clamped a board to the drill press, with a hole around the cut out for them. I have not decided on the riveter yet though.

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