Wing Upgrade - doubler and nose rib template

Now that I'm past the solid rivets it's onto the wing doubler. This seemed fairly easy, except that back drilling the doubler was going to be a challenge, so I removed the 2 rear ribs. I've seen pictures of others doing this.

backside wing doubler

finished doubler

Next step was to reinstall the nose ribs. First I replaced the top skin and clecoed and back drilled through the new extrusion. I used some scrap aluminum for a template. On the next wing I will make one for the bottom also and can do the nose ribs without the nose skin.

Set the nose skin on top and clecoed into the extrusion and template, back drilled throught the nose skin.

Completed template. I can reuse on the next wing by moving over the hole pattern 10mm or so.

Nose rib test install, need to attach the nose skin to hold the ribs and attach the new angles. Next wing will have a bottom template.

So, I walk back out to the workshop to attach the nose skin and finish the nose rib install and I see this, hmmm, looks like a template to me.


I spent about 5 minutes making the bottom template. Well worth the effort. Nose Rib installation won't be a problem.


Well before AMD started adding L-angles to the wings, I added some stiffeners in the soft spots and to maintain the airfoil shape. I did call ZAC about this previous modification to make sure it wouldn't cause any issues. On the 2 outside bays I added false bottom rear ribs. I was approved on the condition I add the span wise angles. That's okie dokie with me. Now I'm going to add some false bottom ribs to the other bays. That's why they call this Experimental :-)

inboard l angles

Upgrading the Center Spar | Installing the Center Spar | Installing Part 2

Links to the other useful blogs.
Bottom Doubler Template | Front Upright Template | Bucking Station
Adventures in Riveting | Solid Rivet removal - Navy Method

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Comment by Floyd Wilkes on February 2, 2010 at 7:15pm
Do you have any photos of the ribs with the angles finished?
I am having problems getting good edge clearance using the existing holes.
Wish I would have noticed not to put in the solid rivets before installing the rib angle for rib 3.

Floyd Wilkes
Comment by Gary Ray on February 1, 2010 at 5:38am
For those that have yet to reach this point,
I really like the way you did your templates for reinstalling the ribs. If anybody reaches for excedrin it may be this part. I did not find the positioning strap method to be accurate enough since it could move laterally. I used the entire nose skin. It worked but your idea is definitely better. For me, the ribs were the hardest part of the wing work and pounding the main spar rivets was the most fun.
Thanks for your presentation on the center spar. It was a big help.
I still have fuselage work before putting it back together.

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