Today I worked on the right wing spar with my grandpa. We riveted the bottom of the spar using the C-riveter that I had made previously.

The last time I tried to rivet the spar, after 5 rivets in the center the spar started to bow out, so I stopped. This time, however, I started one rivet in the middle, and only set it about half-way (3 hits on the hammer). This was enough to hold the parts together without really clamping them tight. Then we moved to one end of the spar and did the same with another rivet. Next we riveted the other end of the spar half way. We kept setting rivets between the previously set rivets until the entire bottom spar was riveted "half-way". (Think of the torque sequence for an engine head).

After all rivets were set half way, we went back down the line and finished setting each rivet. This time, it took 5 more blows with the hammer to set them. The spar still came out a little bowed, but not bad, and only a small ammount for force will straighten it. Whew! I am so glad this method is working. A have all of the ribs made, so the spar was the only thing holding me back. Not any more!
Well, I did make one slight error. I failed to have the root doubler in place when we set the root rivets, so I had to drill out five rivets, but that all went fine.

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Comment by Martin F. Dufour on March 10, 2011 at 8:20pm

Great Photography, more importantly is that your sharp eye noticed that something was not going right before it became a desaster.

Setting the rivets following an alternating pattern you have to shift the spar back and forth a lot like an old fasioned type writer? I will be glad when I reach this far in my project.

Comment by Chumphol Sirinavin on February 12, 2009 at 11:08am
Good Show! Ryan,

The pictures are so vivid.
Thank you.

Comment by Ryan on February 8, 2009 at 4:57pm
Ron, I miss typed when I said that. I meant to say "then we moved to the other end", meaning the other end of the spar. I changed my post to reflect that.

Basically, what we did was to rivet the spar the same way one would torque down a head on an engine - we moved around to not put too much pressure in any one area, and also did the "two step" on the rivets (didn't set them all of the way).
I don't know which of those helped the most, but my spar came out straighter.
Comment by Ron D Leclerc on February 8, 2009 at 11:08am
Hey Ryan
That is good info on building the spars... a lot of people have a problem here!
I have question here, if you can clarify a statement that you made...
What does this mean - "Then we moved the end and did the same with another rivet,"?
What do you mean by "move the end"?
Thanks and keep up the good work... Ron

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