Zenith "Spring into Summer" Open Hangar: Saturday, June 27, 2009

This Saturday is our second "Spring into Summer" Builder Fly-In Gathering and Open Hangar Day.

As opposed to our annual fall Open Hangar Day with scheduled workshops and forums, this June event is very informal and unstructured.

Join us for breakfast on Saturday morning:

Early Saturday morning, Glenn and Anita Riley are hosting their annual "Fly-In / Drive-In Breakfast at Riley's Roost" at their grass field north-west of Mexico.
Time: 7 - 11 AM, June 27, 2009
Place: By road: From Mexico on Hwy 22 West 2.25 miles to Hwy NN - North on NN 2.25 miles to Riley's Roost.
By Air: 1.5 miles North of tall tower west of Mexico, about 6 miles from KMYJ. N 39.12.46 W 91.56.12
Glenn maintains a beautiful grass strip: Approx. 2400 ft. x 100 ft.
(Top-left on the above map).

Also, back by popular demand, we will offer the "build your own binder" mini-workshop.

Attendees assemble their own three-ring binder (made specifically to hold the 11"x17" Drawings for a Zenith kit design). The binder kit parts are cut out and pilot-drilled on the CNC router, and then blind-riveted together following the simple step-by-step instructions.

Additional details on the "Spring into Summer" Builder Fly-In Gathering / Open Hangar this Saturday, June 27.

See you there!

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Comment by Tim Garrett on June 25, 2009 at 6:14pm
OK - I've got the GPS programmed but I forgot to ask what are the runway headings?
Comment by Sebastien Heintz on June 24, 2009 at 10:00am
We typically just stay on the Mexico frequency: 122.9 CTAF
Comment by Tim Garrett on June 23, 2009 at 5:24pm
What comm frequency does "Riley's Roost" use?
Comment by Ken Ryan on June 22, 2009 at 10:44pm
Any chance of buying one of these fabled binders?

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