The numbers I posted are steering boots for a 2001 Yamaha mountain max snow mobile. One number is the rubber boot and the number the metal ring to attach to the fire wall. Keep working on your 701 you will enjoy flying it. If you like I can send you a photo.
Hi Jerry i pulled out my EA -81 to heavy, will be flying off my paddock so i want my plane to be as light as i can get it.I picked up a low time jab at a good price.Do you no any body flying a jab powerd 701 would like to no how it performs.
#609 is very early and most engines of that time have since had later version heads fitted for better cooling.
Some engines run well for reasonable times and it may be a case for leaving alone.
You need to check what changes had already been done, if its already run 367 hrs the way to check for the scuffed piston skirts is to ground run at around 1800 rpm for 2 mins then shut down, if the prop stops quickly without springback and is stiff to rotate by hand then its a candidate for the cylinder basenuts and hone the barrels job. This is explained better by Roger Lewis on the Jabiru Yahoo group.
In the 701 depending on cowling, cooling of the heads is likely the first issue you will need to get right
The prop I use is 64" x 30" its pictured on my page photos made by Brent Thompson Props
Hi Jerry. Not done, but about to finally get the doors on the hanger. Will then move 701 to N29 and put the wings on. Let me know when you (if you) ever get to Magdalena. Best, jfs
I don't know of anyone doing flight training in a 701. I would guess because even if it is LSA compliant its still licensed as an experimental. There is an LSA instructor in Los Lunas at Mid-Valley She teaches in a FlightDesign CTLS. It has a Rotax engine (high wing) and Dynon panel. She trains LSA and LSA BFR's.
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Here is the link to Roger’s “gear check video”.
Howdy Jerry and thanks for the welcome. Hows the flight training coming? I am a CFI and soon I should have some hours of 701.
Hi Jerry i pulled out my EA -81 to heavy, will be flying off my paddock so i want my plane to be as light as i can get it.I picked up a low time jab at a good price.Do you no any body flying a jab powerd 701 would like to no how it performs.
cheers Phil
#609 is very early and most engines of that time have since had later version heads fitted for better cooling.
Some engines run well for reasonable times and it may be a case for leaving alone.
You need to check what changes had already been done, if its already run 367 hrs the way to check for the scuffed piston skirts is to ground run at around 1800 rpm for 2 mins then shut down, if the prop stops quickly without springback and is stiff to rotate by hand then its a candidate for the cylinder basenuts and hone the barrels job. This is explained better by Roger Lewis on the Jabiru Yahoo group.
In the 701 depending on cowling, cooling of the heads is likely the first issue you will need to get right
The prop I use is 64" x 30" its pictured on my page photos made by Brent Thompson Props
Hi Jerry. Not done, but about to finally get the doors on the hanger. Will then move 701 to N29 and put the wings on. Let me know when you (if you) ever get to Magdalena. Best, jfs
Yeah to bad we can't be paid for building!
Sounds like great progress. Which Jan are you going with, the 2200?
I haven't started yet, but there is a CH750 being built in the Santa Fe/Los Alamos Chapter The builders name is Thomas Spirkermann and is on this forum.
I don't know of anyone doing flight training in a 701. I would guess because even if it is LSA compliant its still licensed as an experimental. There is an LSA instructor in Los Lunas at Mid-Valley She teaches in a FlightDesign CTLS. It has a Rotax engine (high wing) and Dynon panel. She trains LSA and LSA BFR's.
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