Tony Renshaw's Comments

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At 9:38am on January 19, 2025, Lee Rosenhan said…

Tony, thanks for the compliment on the paint job. It’s a 20’ paint job. It looks great if you’re 20’ away. 😊

It’s hand painted with rattle cans and masking. It didn’t change the airspeed any. :-)

At 7:42pm on March 17, 2024, James Michael Maynor said…

Tony, you had asked about how far from the fulcrum on the bell crank did I attach the servo arm on my Garmin GSA 28. It is 40mm from the fulcrum. There’s no particular reason for that distance it just worked out better for clearance and mounting the servo.   The servo is capable of 60 inch lbs of torque which should be more than enough for the cruzer controls. 

Mike (James)

At 5:49pm on January 27, 2024, Jonathan Fay said…

I posted a link to the video in the same thread..

At 9:16am on January 12, 2024, Donald R Herbel said…

Hi, Tony.  the -9 doubler came with my kit, delivered on June 12, 2023.  Roger sent me the jpg view of the doubler installed on the rear spar. I've seen other builders' photos where the doubler extends all the way to the root, mine does not. Reference my photo where the inboard end of -9 starts at wing station 190 (station zero is the root rib.) Station 190 is that measurement in millimeters progressing out towards the wing tip. It ends at station 970.  I figured out the placement before I heard from Roger by aligning the factory drilled rivet holes.  I answer to Don. I'm called by other names, just don't call me late for dinner.

At 7:02pm on December 23, 2023, Fred Wellman said…

Hi,  I just saw your message.  I haven’t started on the autopilot yet.

At 7:50am on December 16, 2023, John Steven Bowers said…
C75F4-7 is the side gusset shown on page 10 of 10 in the build manual section C75-FA-3
At 8:32am on December 8, 2023, Clint L Gosch said…

Hi Tony,  email sent.  I'm certainly no expert but I'll help in any way I can.  

At 3:11pm on November 28, 2023, Gary Welch said…

Email sent with my contact info.

At 6:12pm on November 26, 2023, Fred Wellman said…

Hi Tony. I haven’t installed the autopilot yet, still in the planning stages.  I’m waiting to hear back from Dynon as far as their recommendation on servos for the Cruzer.  I’m not sure how to start a chat.


At 1:48pm on June 30, 2023, Richard Jones said…


my designed and sewn seat cushions for CH-701

At 1:45pm on June 30, 2023, Richard Jones said…
At 7:15am on June 28, 2023, John Austin said…

Hi Tony,

I don't have the templates (that was years ago when I had them made), but it is simple - just get some poster board and cut the appropriate shapes and tape together.  Most upholsterers can figure it out from there.  Probably showing the picture of the skirt and boot to them will help, too.

As for the seats - what I meant is rather than have a straight edge across the front of the bottom cushion, make a U shaped cut out for the stick and extend the front of the cushion several inches towards the rudder pedals.  The way mine are now, when my feet are on the rudder pedals, they prop-up my thighs a bit and that puts all the pressure on my butt.  OK for short low and slow flights, but on long cross countries its not as comfortable as it would be if some of that weight is supported by the backs of the thighs, too.  

Would love to see some pics posted when you come up with a design!


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