STOL CH 701: Landing with 90 deg right crosswind.

  • Currently 4/5 stars.

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Comment by Chuck Deiterich on September 14, 2010 at 10:10pm
Mike and Chris, thanks for the compliments. Note the elevator position (almost full up) during last moments before touch down. I have vortex generators on bottom of elevator. I have a 64X26 Prince P-Tip prop. I have a 64X30 Tenn prop I will try in the near future. Prince works well but I would like a bit more speed. 2800 rpm now is 70 mph IAS. Mike, congrats on the first flight, my 2200 has been great. I am going to the Zenith Hanger day this weekend. Chuck
Comment by Mike Webster on September 14, 2010 at 9:01pm
Hey Chuck- How's it going? Great landing!! I was at the Jabiru Maintenance Seminar with you this last May. You sent me some info after the seminar if you remember. Picked up my engine (2200) after the seminar and just did my first flight this past Sunday. Everything went well and I am in the process of doing my flight testing. Engine running great. All temps in the green etc. Looks like yours is running great also.
Comment by Chris Aysen on September 14, 2010 at 7:07am
Chuck - Great landing!! Its been a long time since I have communicated with you. I got my plane flying a little over a year ago and enjoying it. I have a 912 ULS which has alot of power for the airframe. Hope alls well with the family.......As I recall you were one of the first guys to install a Jab 2200 in your plane. How is it going with that engine? And what prop are you turning?

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