finished my flange press. works good. anyone local that wants to use just let me know

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Comment by Joseph Begany on April 28, 2011 at 3:31pm


Nice Flange Press.  I can't believe you are building your own 10 foot brake.  I started my lessons a few months ago myself.  Took my time through the winter months and just flew my first solo flight a little over a week ago.  I'm having a blast.  I will be stuck renting till I can get my 750 done.  I'm learning in a CTLS.  What are you going to be flying.  The CTLS is a great little aircraft.  It has the widest ccabin area of anything out there.  Good luck with both the building and the flying.

Joe B

Comment by martin acton on March 3, 2011 at 1:14am
hey Jesse, your press looks awesome. I highly recommend that you try to buy an old bending break, then tidy up the linkages and you will have a much more accurate machine. I have seen very nice looking home made presses, but they dont quite cut it. If you check out the older aircon ducting companies you should find something. I have located a 2500mm box and pan bender which needs a little tidying up. A straight bending break is also very nice for overbending. The less time we have to spend making tools, the faster we get in the air :)
Comment by Jesse Hartman on February 27, 2011 at 9:17pm

Hey guys.  My dies are made out of oak.  Im not a big wood fan so I would like to make them out of steel which would be expensive, or uhmw plastic.  This is the plastic that the make fake ice skating rinks out of.  Its very hard and slippery.  You can get enough of this to make all dies on ebay for about 80.00.  Sorry no plans for the presa, but anyone local is more than welcome to use it.  Now its time to make a 10 foot brake.  Check out  Great plans.

Comment by Robert Crawford on February 27, 2011 at 8:51pm
What did you make your flanging dies out of ? OH yeah, are you going to sell plans for this, I think it's great, although I already have my ribs done I'm srue I would want one of these.
Comment by Andre Levesque on February 27, 2011 at 5:42pm

Great press man!!    That will come in handy. 

Any plans available?? -:)

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