ready to install the engine hood

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Comment by Julio Marques Vieira on June 1, 2011 at 3:55pm

I do not understand you at first!

You are right!

1- I have to use the headseats;

2- the sound machine is really good!

André, you will always be welcome here!


Comment by Andre Levesque on June 1, 2011 at 2:59pm

Julio !!!

Nice avião e seu motor sons grande

Comment by Andre Levesque on June 1, 2011 at 2:55pm

Hi Julio,

It's really unfortunate that people would sabotage someone's hard earned money and time in building his dream.

But you know, this world is made up of all kinds of people.

I really appreciated your video where we could hear the sound of your supercharged engine and the comments to and from your friend co-pilot.

As for you flying without headsets !! I wasn't knocking you at all...just joking around...-:) I'm in no position to fault anyone on their flying skills or building skills  and if i did ...I was not my intention.

Keep the video's coming. 


Comment by Julio Marques Vieira on June 1, 2011 at 11:25am

When I decided to develop this
I thought it was creating a motoring cheaper option, with the possibility of flying ETHANOL, and that people understand
and would benefit from the project.
Now I realize that for many became a subject of dispute. Many because they always said they do not fly and now flies.
I suffered a lot from sabotage, theft and all kinds of obstacles you can imagine.
Yes, I am flying with a handheld radio, no transponder and other equipments were stolen from my Zenair, locked inside the hangar flying club.
If you noticed the lack of headseats and found it a serious fault, I'm sorry, I'll provide them as soon as possible, as are the videos of the plane flying with the handheld radio!

And yes Andre, I love to hear the sound of MY NEW ENGINE! thanks!

Comment by Andre Levesque on June 1, 2011 at 9:01am

 Pilots & co-pilot.... no headsets !! I guess Julio wants to hear his new egine! -:)


Great Video...keep em coming.


Comment by Robert Pelland on June 1, 2011 at 6:18am


Thank you for an excellent video.


ATTENTION, to all of you ( including the adminstration ) who post aircraft video's and feel obliged to add their annoying music sound clips. This video is what real aircraft video's shoud sound like. Airplane, and engine noise, pilot comments, and radio communications. Congratulations once again for an excellent video Julio, and good luck with your Zenith.



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