

Has anyone tried the in and out deburring tools. Here is a link so you can see what I am talking about:



If this tool does indeed deburr both sides of the hole in one step it would sure be easier and faster.


I found out about this tool after I had already finished my RV9 so I didn't have a need for it but I sure do wish I had it at the beginning of the build.


I have bought many tools and supplies from The Yard Store (I am not affiliated with them in any way) and they provide good tools at fair prices with prompt service.


Build on,

Mike Ice

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Ive been interested in the above as well. Deburring turns out to be the most labour-intensive part of the building process for me. I use a large drill bit and do a few turns on the hole rather than using vixen files to avoid scratches. I also have the 'mango' deburring tools from kbctools.com which can do both sides but with added work and time. If the above tool works out, it'll knock off many hours.... tempted to buy and try..


Thanks for the input.


When I built my RV I deburred holes using the big drill bit method and the counter sink bit on the rotating handle both worked just fine but I am always looking for a more efficient way to accomplish a task.

I am going to start the 750 project in the fall, have to save the summer for flying, so I will be drilling and deburring many holes over the winter.


Let me/us know if you buy and try this tool.





Looks interesting. I bought one of those deburring tools that is basically a large bit on the end of a handle that you can rotate but have found that using a large drill bit and a twist of my wrist works best for me. It sure would be nice to have something more efficient.



I know the tool your talking about, I bought two of them, I would suspend a drilled wing skin from the wing stand and my wife would be on one side of the skin deburring with me on the other, after many thousands of holes we were both pretty tired of the routine. Unfortunately I discovered this tool after the RV was complete and so did not get to buy and try it.


There are plenty of machine shops that use these tools, in fact it was a machinist for Boeing that told me about these tools. Check out this web site for a demo. http://www.ezburr.com/index.php?pmc=ad-1


If you try one share the results.

Hi Mike,

I have used these two sided deburring tools on steel with a cordless electric drill. The deburring insert is hardened steel and it uses the centrifugal force of the tool rotation to make the insert follow the hole. In steel 11 ga (.125") or thicker, this works great as long as you are not too picky about chamfering the hole some.


In aluminum and the thin materials that Zodiac kits use, I would expect this tool to create a serious chamfering problem and possible oversize the hole dias. I use a 3/8" dia. carbide burr cutter mounted to either a screwdriver or a small handle for tight spots. Only a 1/4 turn of this ball cutter removes the burr and doesn't chamfer. The ball cutter self centers in the hole and can be used at an angle. You do have to deburr both sides, but this tool makes it quick and easy. 


Best Regards,

Larry Zepp



Thanks for the answer. It is good to know that the in and out tool may be the wrong tool for this job because the material is too thin.


That idea about using the ball burr sounds great, I already have some of those so I will give them a try.


Since de-burring was such a necessary pain in the tail, I was lucky to find a tool that made very rapid and accurate work for the #30 holes in my 701. It's called a Burraway and it's made by Cogsdill Co. I use the 1/8 inch one. It's about the size of a 3/8 jobbers bit. You put it in the drill and drill in and out of the hole you have previously drilled. It has a little metal blade that cleans up the hole perfectly. It has saved me quite a bit of time. It is adjustable and extremely well made. You can buy replacement blades although I think you will be able to finish your 701 with one blade. If you purchase one, make sure you get the NEUTRAL BLADE for aluminum. They use different blades for different metals. What I liked was it's accuracy, ease of use, speed and the tremendous amount of time it saved me. What I didn't like was that I had to purchase through a non stocking distributor and it was sent from Cogsdill. Cogsdill's number is 803-438-4000 or on the web at http://cogsdill-nuneaton.co.uk/deburring.aspx.

One more point.  Do not use it in a elongated hole. You will destroy the tool.  I made that mistake only once.


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