Anyone looking for a brand new, still in the crate Firewall Forward package for the Rotax 912S? I am installing a Viking engine and will now not require the stuff that I had already ordered.


The items are in Indonesia. I guess I will be able to replace the crate with a newer one or simply seal this one and ship it to its new home.


If anyone's interested, please contact me here on



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what are you asking for the fwf package???  Terry

I am just trying to recoup the costs. I guess I would need to take into consideration the costs to ship the stuff to you and make it attractive enough for a buyer to buy this over buying a set from Zenith. Its completely new and unused. Just been sitting in a crate, we only took things out to check the packing list.


I see you live in Maine. Been to Rockport once many years ago. It was stunning. I envy the places the fly over.



hope you get what you need from the parts...... I am interesting in the viking engine as well hope you will post information on your reasons for choosing this engine and would like to see how the installation goes as well as your level of satisfaction with the viking....


thanks dan

Hello Dan,


My reasons are quite simple. We live and will fly the plane in Indonesia.


95 Octane mogas is only available in the larger cities here. Its more common to find 87 octane fuel. So since the Viking accepts a lower grade fuel, that was a big consideration. Of course we will endeavour to feed the engine the best fuel we can get our hands on but its nice to know that you could still safely fly on lower grade fuel if conditions dictate.


I really wanted to go with the reputation and reliability of the Rotax. But there is not Rotax service centre here in Indonesia. So I would have very little benefit from owning a Rotax. Whereas the Viking is based on the Honda Fit engine. While I won't be letting any old car mechanic take the engine apart, I think the fact that spares are easier to find as well as someone that actually understands the Honda engine would one day come in handy.


And then there were other little points that I thought of, which have no technical basis whatsoever. Like I thought that since the engine is rated at 110hp and can actually develop 117hp, I would normally be operating the engine far below its limits. That surely can't hurt the engine.


Its fuel injected and has dual ECUs. No more worrying about balancing carbs.


The basic point being that I am building a plane for the first time, have very little technical knowledge about engines and the Viking seems to integrate everything with an engine block that will be familiar to some people here.


Hope this helps. It helped me! I can justify to myself again why I am choosing this over the 912S that has been flying for so long and in so many planes. I hope I am missing something!




several points you mentioned are also items that are swaying me toward the viking, I am planning on using this option unless something comes up before the time to purchase.  I appreciate you sharing this information.  I have a friend that lives in fla and he is going to visit the factory and research for me, I will be glad to forward his info if you wish.  I have just ordered my Kit and have some time before needing the engine but am extremely interested at this time.


thanks dan

You could install the Rotax 912 80 hp. Its bullet proof and accepts lower octane fuel. I have a friend with the Rotax 912 80 hp CH701 flying on amphibian floats... no lack of power issues. Johnanthan Porter flies in Ghana Africa with this engine in the CH701 and depends on its performance and reliability with his life. I just looked over the log books on 2 Rotax 912 80 hp engines removed from flying school Katanas...both are 1500 hr TBO engines with 2500 hrs on when removed from service. These are going to be installed in other homebuilt aircraft as there was no mechanical issues when removed, and zero repairs to the engines over 2500 hrs of flying. Both these engine were purchased for $2,500 each and are still more proven and servicable than any auto conversion on the market. Viking is not a new concept..I remember when Honda conversions were call "CAM 100"... don't know where that company is now? At least with the ZENITH Rotax FWF pkg. you can bolt in the Rotax 912 and go won't be a test pilot doing R&D for another auto-conversion company. IMHO

Thanks for the reply and the advice Bob. I do appreciate people taking the time to chip in and share their experiences with people like me who are new to all this. I have been in touch with Jonathan Porter, who extols the virtues of the 80hp.


There are no easy answers for me. If I lived in the States where 95 octane and Rotax service centres are within reasonable distances, this would be a no brainer.


btw, does anyone have any takeoff distances for a 500kg 701 taking off from grass, at sea level, with an 80hp?


But thanks again for taking the time.

Isaac - You seem to imply you live in a fairly remote location (access to proper octane gas). Even more reason (remote location) not to experiment with a VERY new engine (Viking). I would be the first to say , GOOD, competition for Rotax. BUT, The Rotax 80 hp would be a great choice in this situation. I believe you are worrying waaaay to much about this carb balancing issue or service center issue for that matter. You are an experimental builder; you have to get yourself up to speed on the mechanical workings of any engine you plan to put in your plane....... One hundred hour inspections should solve the problem of carbs out of sync. If someone's carbs are getting out of sync before these 100 hour inspections they would need to check their throttle cable installation and linkage thereof. Good Luck building and stay safe.


Hello Chris.


Thanks for jumping into this discussion. Much appreciated.


I live in Jakarta where 95 Octane is easily available. But its only available within the capital and a few other big cities. But if we wanted to only fly from city to city, this would not have been the plane of choice. We were hoping to be doing back country flying and in these places, 87 octane is the norm.

Buy HomebuiltHelps DVD on Rotax 912 installation and you may find the Rotax 912 is not that complicated an engine to install and maintain. I have carb sych guages, but actually get better results with feeler guages on the carb throttle stops. Once set up its not an issue that requires constant maintaince. The 80 hp Rotax 912 is lots of power for the CH701 and is reliable & fuel efficient. I have the Rotax 912 80 hp in my CH601HD and Rotax 912S in the larger (heavier) CH750. About 1400 hrs on the 80 hp and 80 hrs on the 100 hp...all turn key trouble free.


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