Does anyone have a drawing or the specs for determioning the thrust line, (engine center line) as compared to the cabin bottom and the firewall?

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I'm wondering if you are asking what angle the engine is offset to one side.
I didn't realize this was a common practice until I saw my 701 plans.

The propeller flange is directly on the aircraft centerline, and the rear of the engine is offset toward the left wing at an angle of 3 degrees.

Hope this helps.


 hi blaine also depends on your engine rotation,im using a corvair in the 701 and my thrust line angle is like joe says 3 degrees but opposite of the rotax if anything call the factory they are the best tech advisers hope this helps

Did you build your own engine mount or did you have it built? Thanks John

According to Roger at Zenith, they do not specify any vertical distance between the thrust line and  the top of the longerons.

I am planning to place the center of the propeller on the center line of the plane and in the horizontal plane through the top of the longerons.

My Corvair engine will be mounted on the motor mount to give an angle of 1 degree between the thrust line of the engine and the center line of the plane in the horizontal plane and half a degree pointing down.

This in line with WW's proven and tested practice. 


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