What I have is a 601XL that first flew in May 2009.  I flew about 70 hours or so, and then in October 2009, I took it down to do the upgrade.  I upgraded the wings, and then screwed up the center spar box.  I then proceeded to screw up the fix to my screw up, and pretty soon, I determined the safe route would be new spars and spar box.  I bought them pre-built from Zenith in the upgraded configuration.  They are for the three nose ribs at the root, but my wing is four.  Regardless, I never got past opening the crate, and haven't touched them since.

As for the firewall forward, it is a Jabiru 3300A SN 33A444.  It is a solid lifter engine that was first installed and operated in another 601XL around May 2003.  It had a  couple hundred hours on it when I purchased it.  Logs where decent with the first owner, but weak with me.  When I was flying, I didn't have any issues with it.  CH and oil temps where good.  It took a while to get the Bing to run correctly, eventually I put a flow splitter in the air intake tube.  The prop is a 52 pitch Senenich.  Same story with the logs.  The engine hasn't run since Oct 2009, but I periodically turn a bunch of cycles through by hand.  Anyway, the $9K gets it all, as is where is.  That is engine, exhaust, prop, cowling, oil cooler, air intake/filter, prop extension, Cummins aluminum spinner, voltage regulator, starter solenoid, battery, mount, etc.  Basically, if its up front, then it is included.  Most of the FWF components came from www.usjabiru.com.

Other items include main landing gear, fuel tanks, etc, but I haven't figured out a price yet.

For some construction photos and such, http://members.cox.net/xlbuilder/

Thanks again for your interest, and let me know if you have any additional questions.

Mark Thomas
Wichita, KS

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Let me know when you have a price for the fuel tanks/system ok  Mark?.

I sent you an email earlier, with my email address as well.



Are you parting out the plane? I would be interested in your dash/avionics.
Thank you everyone for your interest.  The engine has been sold, as have the instruments.  I am taking offers on most of the other stuff, and still have brand new upgraded spars/center box for XL for sale.


I bought a 601 quick build kit that needs the upgrade. It has the 4 rib wings. Would your center spar box work for me? I'm interested in it.

Wow, I've been unusually busy, so sorry for any delayed responses... (I owe quite a few email responses, I'll try to catch up this weekend...)


Tim, the center spar box is match drilled to the spars at the main attach bolts.  I think your options would be to just upgrade yours or replace the spar and carry through as a set.  I'm pretty sure just upgrading yours would be easier.

I talked to my local flight service manager that has nine upgrades. He is going to trade the center spar work (with me helping) for my stock nav light set. I am upgrading to LED. Thanks anyway. Now the fun begins...good thing I have an unfinished quick build kit to save me most of the rivet drilling.

i just found this ad I would have taken the entire Plane for 27k  Never part out it takes forever to sell everything The plane one sale done over.



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