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I am thinking about using a Suzuki 1.3 l engine in my 701. Does anyone have any info or experience with this engine in a 701? Please respond with good or bad comments.
Stanley Todd
Hi Stanley
I believe that Peter Ratcliffe installed a suzuki engine into his 701 here in Australia. He is probably at Oshkosh at the moment.
If he is at Oshkosh, he may have been in contact with ph 920-237-1450 or , who was organising some accomodation.
Hope this is of some help.
Phill Barnes
Hi Stanley. I have a complete engine wiring diagram for a 1996 geo metro 1.3l that I printed off. I was going to use this engine to power an airboat that never got built. If you would like I can send this to you, or if your going to Oshkosh I can give it to you in person.
I'm a ASE master tech for about 15 years now and would feel VERY good about putting this motor in an airplane. Its proven and plenty of people can back you up with all the info you need.
You might want to take a look at the Suzuki engine in the new Arctic Cat z1 turbo snowmobile. Twin cylinder 4 stroke liquid cooled fuel injected turbo. 177 horse power at 7850 rpm. Putting this in a 701 you would have plenty of power at 5000-5500 (about 130hp). This is the engine I will use in my 750. Its light, powerful, and made to have the hell kicked out of it all day long. Good luck. Jesse
Thanks for your reply. I will not be a Oshkosh for Air Venture. Can you e-mail the wiring diagram to me or do I need to make other arrangements? I plan to purchase a complete engine package from Raven that will include all of the wiring harness labeled and ready to install. I would still like to have the wiring diagram. I am presently working on the left wing and will begin the fuselage when the parts arrive Aug. 29th. I have completed the right wing, leading edge slate, flaperons, horizontal stabalizer, elevator and vertical rudder. I began the first week on November 2010. I would like to have everything ready for engline installation by March 2012.
Things area going well and I am having a great time building this airplane. I look forward to the first flight!
Stanley Todd
Stanley Todd
1670 Dailey St.
Piedmont, Al. 36272
Thanks again for the info.
How is this (Z1) engine adaptation going? I'm looking at the non-turbo (125 hp) version for another project. What redrive do you intend to use?
Hi. Im along way from that but it still looks like the one I want. Or im sure buy the time im ready for an engne there will be something new out there. Not going to go with standard avation engine way too out of date for my liking. I would build a redrive similar to the Belted Air redrive, or possibly a raven redrive it can handle the power.
What are u using the non turbo engine for. And do you know the weight of the turbo / non turbo engine/ I would guess to be about 115-130 lbs.
Looking into replacing a 582 on a rx-650 Beaver (Canadian) ultralight. Have been told that the non-turbo unit (with the sled clutch not removed yet) weighs in at 165 pounds. The Arctic Cat T660 turbo might be an option at approx 80 hp and 130 lbs
I have mede a decision to go with the 1.3L Suzuki from Raven redrives Inc. Jeron is doing the engine conversion, as I do not have the time or expertise for such an undertaking. I will receive the engine in the spring. Meanwhile, I will continue to droill and rivet on the 701>
Stanley Todd
You should check your horsepower info. I think its more like 110-115 . Check out al shimpa in minnesota he is on this site.
the G13 suzuki motor is my primary choice right now,however if you are going to buy the raven engine package for 9 grand consider an used rotax 912 for the same money.
in my case i"ll be ordering for raven the reduction unit
Suzuki Engine for aircraft. Hi, Question for pilots who found Suzuki G13bb or G16 bb and fly on an airplane, as the engine is running, how many hours from the time of Suzuki comments and suggestions. Must be very reliable engine. What duplicating system mounted on the engine of the aircraft. I want to install a motor on a plane but I want 16B version of the carburetor. Somewhat simpler version of what I'm careful to electronic ignition.
I would be happy to get an answer.
Sergey Lopuha Rivne, Ukraine
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