I hate to sale her but I have no means to finish what I started, lost my job in 2009, have no place left to build, no funds, so I've come to the realization, I have to get her a good home. I started scratch building The rudder first, then I built as much as I could before starting assembly.  I have completed the rudder, hortizonal stabilizer and elevator with elevator trim servo installed, wings are to a point I was ready to purchase the wing tanks. I've finished the solid riviting of the wing spars. And have the original drawings and manual with builders cd, receipts for material purchased, certification kit and a builders log. I have purchased the fiber glass wing tips,and have the dash formed. 

 I'm selling the tools I have also. Hand squeezer riveter,C-Frame Bench Riveting Tool with dies, Duck bill sheet crimp pliers, fluting pliers, Bucking bar set, Rivet guage, Clecos, Cleco pliers, Rivet cutters, Ofna p-cutter 800, rivet removal tool. I will except any reasonable offer. 

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sent friend request for details

friend request - interested in buying

Ronnie: In May of this year our community was devastated by a F-4 tornado-we were not spared. It done several thousand dollars damaged to our hangar also damaging my 701 that I have been working on for four years. I was ready to paint when this disaster happened. It wiped out the rudder, elevator and horizontal stabilator. Looks like you have what I need. How much?



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