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Just going through the list of what has to be inspected at the pre-cover inspection here in Canada. Can anyone who's gone through it verify what has to be checked? I know they want to see in the wings, tail and other parts before they are closed (and I can understand that)...but does that include inside the slats, flaperons, rudder and other control surfaces? Seems like these parts could be a pain to skin halfway then set aside to wait for inspection! :( There is also not much to these that the workmanship could not be verified by examining the exterior?
Hi Mark,
YES, they want to see inside the SLATS, flaps and ailerons. Why ? BECAUSE...
As a matter of fact, on other planes these parts MAY have subparts that have to be inspected inside them. For the CH701, CH750 and some other designs, there is not much inside the aileron,slats and flaps except that all hinges and support plates are riveted to the skin and ribs (sometime). So they want to see that those rivets are done properly. Mine were closed so I unriveted the endribs and that way the inspector could almost see everything (not very many ribs in these parts anyway). It was a pain so my advice to you is to LEAVE THEM OPEN... Even if it means a lot of clecos to hold them together...
Good luck
Hi Mark,
Yes, Normand is right.... you need to leave one side open so he can see if the work was done properly according to best practices.
I have the same parts clecoed to death....I must have 2000 clecos so far. It is annoying not being able to close those parts as they are always harder to store full of clecos. I haven't been through the inspection myself yet but I have spoken to many builders who have. Make sure all rivets are within the tolerances, well deburred and corrosion protected where required. I've heard horror stories from builder experiencing nitpicking inspectors. Just relax, let them do their job, receive the list of things to correct and move on.
No point arguing with them at all. It will just elongated your timetable.
My opinion.
Replace your clecos with a few rivets that can be drilled out again prior to inspection. Cheaper than tying up clecos for years.
I bought a box of #4 nuts and bolts to help hold things together. They were a little expensive so I also used some temp rivets. Drilling out the rivets turned out to be a bit of a pain. I remember saying to myself, I should have used a lot more nuts and bolts. ( when drilling out the rivets wasn't going according to plan).
Not thinking I closed up my rudder which had to be completely opened on one side for inspection.
Hmmmm...guess I'm leaving things open then..what a pain...
The MD-RA dude in this area is just finishing his training and there is not much for homebuilding around here, I'll probably be his first victim! That could be good or bad I guess.
I'm pretty anal about my work...I use to be an AME in a "B" Aircraft Maintenance Shop specializing in fuselage repair...I think it's called an "S" rating now. Hopefully I can hold my tongue if the inspector starts finding dumb things to complain about!
Like Andre says there won't be any point in arguing with him... The #4 nut is a good idea but I guess I'm still buying more clecos!!!!
Mark !
I had the same reaction as you but what i did was to contact builders near me to see what were their experience. Unfortunately one of the MD-RA here in Quebec is a real tough one....more ridiculous I should say.
One on my friend was told by the inspector that no fuel line can be of rubber like the one shipped in the kit, that the gascolator needs to be attached to the firewall and not where the plans says to install it !!
Now, is that crazy or what? The kit is accepted on the transport Canada list and yet the inspector refuses those two things. I checked with other builders like Bob McDonald in ontario and they didn't have any issues like that with the inspector. That's what's so frustrating...depending who the inspector is...the inspection calls for different rules. Let me tell you...if he tells me that (and yes..I have the same inspector that called those not acceptable) I will raise one hell of a stink to Transport Canada.
Good luck with your inspection and keep us updated on the outcome.
Are you building under Armature built or ALA class? It could make a diffidence. Under Ameature built the aircraft has to meet certian 'Canadian' standards. Under advanced Ulterlight catagory it is the approved desigh of the kit manufacturer that seems to be used.
A couple of items I had to contend with involved using 3/8 fuel line and installing carb heat. I have heard that under Advanced ultralight 1/4 fuel lines and no carb heat are common.
In any case it's probably better to just find out what is expected by your inspector and do it that way from the getgo. It'll probably be easier and quicker in the long run.
Enjoy the build.
Building as "amateur" class. Advanced ultralight specs are rigid and don't let you do any alterations. Amateur class I can do a lot more, like reinforcing some weak points that I might notice during the build! :D
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