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I am assembling the nylon nose wheel bearing block for my CH 650. I drilled and tapped the required four holes 1/4-28 for the AN4H-5A bolts. "Somehow" I managed to strip out one of the holes. Are there any recommended fixes, other than re-tapping for an AN5 bolt?
Jim Snyder
CH 650
Hi Jim: I anticipated this as well as the bearing ripping loose, resulting in a prop strike so I drilled all the way through the bearing and the support plate, made a counter sink hole to accept the AN3 cap head so it didn't protrude and torqued 'em down. I also changed the aluminum plate the bearing is bolted to for one of stainless cut by water jet, made it 3'' longer and bolted it to bottom of fuselage.
My specs called for AN3, if your numbers are correct, I agree with ZAC that your upgrade to AN4 makes sense. Nonetheless I just took it a bit further. A bigger more positive travel stop is not a bad idea either IMHO. Brian
Hi Jim: Just noticed you are building a 601 while I'm building a 750. Could be that my comments will not apply to your situation. Please accept my apologies. Good luck. Brian
You could install a heli-coil
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