
I would like to know if anyone has the Viking engine installed and if you have any weights and performance numbers?


Thank you,


Mike Ice

Anchorage, Alaska


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Not sure about the Rotax 912s but according to the info I've gotten the Rotax 912uls is about 165 lbs. The Viking weighs178 lbs dry.

We have had nothing but problems with jan. my viking is mounted on a zenith 701. I have been waiting since September for my engine control unit...the engine will not start without it. There is a yahoo group that will tell you what's really going on at viking.


I got booted from the Jan Yahoo group for just joining the above forum...speaks volumes about Jan and his acceptance of criticism!  I never even made a comment on it, he just saw my user name was the same as the one on his group and banned me, all for wanting all the information available on his engine!!!  So beware if you want to join the group, change your user name from the one you use on Jan's site. 

Jan's has "allegedly" even been posting as other people on the site, drumming up praise for his engine.  It's actually funny to read.

FWIW, NO way will I EVER consider a Viking now (I WAS a very strong believer in the engine) and I strongly recommend anyone who is thinking of it to get ALL the information out there to make an educated choice.

I have been on both sites since the Viking engine came onto the market and I still go to both to check things out.  Why would Jan care that you are a memeber of the Zenith web site.  There are many of us that go to both.  Personally, I check into a number of different web sites.  Your accusation is baseless!

I got kicked out of the official the same day I posted on the alternative site, so I connected the dots in similar fashion to Mark. There's a long list of other people who have suffered the same fate, the only conspiracy is on Jan's side.

I'm actually really bummed because I've been telling people for two years that I'm putting a Honda engine on my plane but reading what Jan has written, and the way he has treated some of his customers, I wouldn't put one on my plane if I was paid to. 

Not to say it won't be a good buy for some people, but not for this person who wants to pay money to get a working product now, rather than be Jan's test pilot.

I thought I saw an ad where Dan is selling the Viking package. The is a package for sale on Barnstormers and Jan is selling his test plane with 400 hours. I'm guessing the lack of data is because none are flying much. Jan is already putting out press releases of a new "gold" version for Sun n Fun. Used Honda parts, non-Honda EFI, unproven PSRU. Please be careful guys.

The Viking for sale on Barnstormers was installed on a SeaRay. Word from another site says that SeaRays need the 914 as a minimum for power. Jan reported that this engine was not one of his installations so it is not from the SeaRay that is featured in videos from his web site.
Still does't explain why we are not hearing from the owners in the air.

This is an email that came off the Viking forum,


--- In Vikingaircraftengines@yahoogroups.com, "moving2time" <moving2time@...> wrote: > > Jan > > There is a Viking engine for sale on barnstormers.  Looks like it is comming off of a SeaRay.  Apparently they are going to a 914 and calling it an upgrade. > > What happened?  They can't have very many hours on it.  Is this the SeaRay that is cronicled on your website? > > It would be nice to hear from the owner to see why they are moving to the 914! > > Joe B >


The owner wrote me to express his thanks for everything that we have done so far.  However, any R&D process does take time.  Some of the issues were airplane related, some were engine.  This owner never signed up to be a test pilot and we understand this.  (I love the testing part and have done all the other airplanes :)
We have moved on and am now working closely with the SeaRey LSX you see pictured on our web site.  The engine is producing an additional 80lb of thrust and we are moving some things around for better aerodynamics and ballance.  You will be able to view a whole new set of performance data when ready.  We were at 912S performance, we are now closing in on the 914 turbo. 

It sold already!  Geeezzzz....

The engine was too aft and the owner had to add aprox 30 pound of weight forward. Also reported that the engine " burped" a few times and had to engage the ecu. Best talk with the owner to get the whole scoop.

Contact 701 member Dan Stanton.  He has his up and running.  He sounds pleased with the performance of his HT (Honda Fit) 110 (hp) engine.


Hi Mike:

Vern Knott is wintering in Florida, building his 2nd CH750.  It looks like the engine was installed at Jan's factory and the plane will be at the Sebring LSA show this weekend.  So maybe Jan will have some rudimentary weight numbers in the next few days.


I am stuck here in Iowa (: trying to get my airframe ready during the all-too-brief warm spells so I can hang my engine this spring.



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