Has anyone out there built a CH701 int the tailwheel configuration

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Hi Tim,

Yes it has been done. For your info, there is a plan set to modify the CH701 to taildragger configuration.

It wasn't very expensive and the mods are few. Some beefing up of the bottom between the fuselage last former and the fuselage end. Adding a tailwheel. Also, there is a new channel for the main gear in front of the seats lined up to the front of the doors.

On the Zenair website there are some photos of a olive drab taildragger CH701.

Hope this help.


I am building a tail dragger. there is very little info out there. the one fellow who built one didn't have any photoes or building info. the fuselage is the last part i will be building but i will post photos and an account of any problums


Hi Tim,

Here are 2 photos taken from the Zenith website...There are more just have a look see.




Hi again,

the taildragger plan set was 5 sheets (8-1/2 X 11) depicting the new parts. Namely, the tailwheeel (which you can also buy from Aircraft Spruce), the new main gear channel and placement, some doublers to stiffen up the new main gear location and the new main gear fitting (to attach the gear to the fuselage).

That's about it !


Reviving this old thread, does anyone perhaps have more info on the TD conversion
I am interested in the landing gear that looks a bit like the Alaska beringer? type

I’ve got a spare fuselage that the previous builder had started to build as a taildragger. I can take some pictures and maybe even sell you some parts if you’re interested. Send me a pm .

I sent you a friend request so I can send you a PM

Would love to see the pictures etc

I as well would love to see a couple pictures of the Taildragger mods. 


Can someone give me a good reason to make a taildragger out of an originally perfect STOL design??

Further development of stick and rudder skills. Zenith Aircraft does sell a tailwheel option for the CH701. However, with the increase in insurance and the fact that not many people have built them with tailwheels moves me back towards the tricycle gear. From some of the photos that I have seen the 701 does look like it would make a good taildragger. looks can be wrong though.

Hi Tim,
The 701 requires good use of the rudder in most if not all flight movement.
Only break you get is in the takeoff run - point and go !
Otherwise, you need to use the rudder coordinated to aileron inputs most of the
Time. Something new for me but you get the hang of it pretty quick !
Dont worry, you'll get lots of practice with the 701 even if not as a taildragger!

Thats for the information. I am planning on building a tricycly gear 701. Not many people building tailwheel 701's. There must be reason!


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