Hi Everyone!

With the banquet and EAA just weeks away, here is an update on the festivities for the “Zeniths to Oshkosh” builders banquet and aircraft parking for the 2014 Oshkosh EAA Convention.


The Banquet

The banquet will once again be held at the Elks Lodge in Oshkosh. This beautiful facility served us well last year and is expandable for our growing Zenith family. We have very comfortable seating for over 250 people, our own private bar, and award winning food. The banquet will be held on Friday, August 1st, 2014. The bar will open at 5:30 and dinner starts at 7:30. Tickets are available for $20 per person. On the menu this year will be the Elks Lodge specialty, Pineapple Rum Glazed Ham and Broasted Chicken, buttered parsley potatoes, green beans, and all the trimmings! The major door prize this year will be a beautiful headset for your airplane complements of David Clark Inc. Many other donors are sponsoring the event this year including Wicks Aircraft, Aircraft Spruce, EAA Air Museum, and Sporty's Pilot Shop. Once again this year there will be a very special surprise dessert so make sure you bring your camera!


Pre-convention Banquet Tickets Available

The banquet will be held at the Elks Lodge, 175 Fernau Ave, Oshkosh, WI. The Lodge is very easy to find. There will be maps and tickets available at the Zenith display just like in previous years. If you would like your tickets sent to you along with the map, there are two ways to receive your tickets. You can mail a check for $20 per person to Joe Scheibinger, Zenith Banquet, 2809 Scenic Drive, Oshkosh, WI 54904, or you can use PayPal and send the money to backstagelive@gmail.com. Your tickets will be sent in the mail 2 weeks before the convention. Buying advance tickets helps the Zenith staff save time and sell airplanes, and it also gives us a better way to estimate the number of people attending.


EAA Zenith Showplane Parking

Zenith showplane parking will be just north of the Homebuilders center on the flight line in its usual place.  Please place a sign in your window indicating "HOMEBUILT PARKING - ZENITH." When they get near the parking area flagmen will help get you to the location requested. Once your aircraft is parked, EAA's policy is no engine operations in the parking area and the aircraft will need to be pushed to the east of the safety line for engine start. If you are anticipating demonstrating or flying any of the aircraft during the convention, park your aircraft as close to the flightline as you can. EAA will not be using the commercial demo ride operation parking area as they did last year.



The Oshkosh Elks Lodge has a very large parking area. they are offering motor home and trailer parking for $20 per night for anyone coming to the banquet before coming to the EAA, or for people leaving the convention on Friday. If you would like to park your camping vehicle at the Elks for any number of nights, please call me at 920-237-1450 or E-mail me at backstagelive@gmail.com to make reservations. Some electrical spots are available on a first come first served basis.


What’s Needed?

We could use some volunteers for the event. We will need 3 volunteers to come to the banquet early and help make sure everything is working smoothly, and to work the registration table. If possible, Also, I would like to have volunteers who are knowledgeable with the Zenith Company to escort invited EAA dignitaries.


Contact Information

Seeing that I live in Oshkosh, I would be more than happy to help you with anything you need to make your stay in Oshkosh the best ever. If you need any more information on the banquet, camping, special foods, lodging, etc, please call me directly at 920-237-1450 or E-mail me at backstagelive@gmail.com.


Joe Scheibinger

2809 Scenic Drive

Oshkosh, WI 54904




Facebook: Joe Scheibinger

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Now that the two-week window has past, is it possible to buy tickets at the door?

Hi John,

Tickets are available at the Zenith booth during the airshow. We always have a pre-sale of the tickets so we don't take too much of the factory team's time away from selling airplanes! You still have time to send your $20 to the address below and pick up your tickets at the will-call table at the banquet, or you can send them by PayPal to backstagelive@gmail.com. Please send me your E-mail address or phone if you send by check and I will confirm when I receive it. If you are sending by check you can write "Zenith Banquet" on the check. Have a safe trip to Oshkosh and I will see you in a few weeks!

Joe Scheibinger

2809 Scenic Drive

Oshkosh, WI 54904



LATE BREAKING NEWS! Chris Heinz will be coming to the airshow this year! 


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How to videos from HomebuiltHELP.com

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