Q&A - Zodiac 601XL -650 for the latest upgrade drawings of November 24 2009

This Q&A is for the upgrade kit of the Zodiac 601XL & 650 based on drawings of Nov. 24, 2009 and AMD Safety Alert of November 7. 2009

New drawings:
Nov. 24, 2009: We've updated the draft Drawings 6-ZU-1, 6-ZU-2, 6-ZU-3 and 6-ZU-4, and LAA Aileron Balance.

For very detailed questions (or if you must complain or vent), email me at newplane@gmail.com

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I am hoping that the sequence blog that Zenith is doing will be the assembly sequence / procedures manual.
What's wrong with the Aileron stops we have on our wings per the plans. Do you want us to take those off and add the one on the rear of the torque tube arm? Why? Thanks, David
Your present aileron stops are fine. Our concern is if too much load is put on the stick, your aileron stops will bend, or the bellcrank area will be stressed. People getting in the aircraft and pushing on the stick sideways can easily put more than 50 lbs etc. Or if an auto pilot is installed and not set-up correctly, it could overstress the aileron system. With the new stop at the rear of the torque tube, the loads will not transfer outside the fuselage.

Like a lot of things in the upgrade kit, we are trying to cover as many things as possible.
Is there a reason why a whole NEW center spar structure [instead of the existing 0.040"]cannot be made from 0.063" 6061-t6 or 2024-T3 with a couple of extra lightening holes and reinforcing with the spar uprights 6-ZU-2-4.Seems to me to be a better option and a lot less bits. Cheers Alan
For scratch builders, this is a possibility. However, for most, we feel that changing the spar webs to 0.063 will be too hard to line up the spar bolt holes with the wing holes.

I just got finished putting the top skin back on to drill the new spar and I have the wing locker option..... If you built the lid per plans and didn't put your hinge down you won't have a problem at all. I just slipped the hinge under the skin and it fit like a glove. You will have to bend the tabs beside the hinges up slightly so it doesnt hit the angle. It will raise your skin abit where the hinge is but it is at the tank area and there are no nose ribs there so if it is no big deal to Chris to place it on top of the angle it is no problem. I will take some pics and upload the video when I get home.

Happy Thanksgiving all
Thanks Jeff. It's appreciated.
That is good news.
Hi Mathieu

My project is in just finished point . Last Time i have meeting with my inspector for building inspection . So hi said that i need a upgrade my wings ( i put the paint 2 days before information about upgrade comes !! ( shit !! ) )

I have two version letter from Chris

One says that we dont need a upgrade for LTF - UL version

question 5 and 15

second version is upgraded at 11.11.09 and nothing about UL Europan version ?? ( words are canceled ) and any info about UL version ....just only LSA

I need a stright information for my inspector ( DAR? ) that i need or not upgrade .

Andrzej Kostkiewicz


601XL UL version
Andrzey from Poland,
Zenair Europe will be issuing a letter in the next few days about the upgrade for Europe. I do not think that it will include opening the wings. The Ultra Light (UL) gross is about 1,000 lbs, significantly less than the USA LSA at 1,320 lbs so the UL version is already significantly stronger at that weight. However, we want to add certain items relating to potential vibrations.
Question from a CZAW-CH601XL-kit builder:

Due to the higher angle of wing incidence, some parts are different than on the original US-601XL, i.e.
6-ZU-3-3 Rear Spar Attach Plate (6-B-5CZ-4CZ)
6-ZU-3-4/5 Upright Gussets (different angles, same as CH650 indicated on new drawings)
6-ZU-2-7/8 Bottom Angles (different angles, same as CH650 indicated on new drawings)

Are these parts available too (especially new 6-ZU-3-3 for my plane)?

Thanks Martin


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