Q&A - Zodiac 601XL -650 for the latest upgrade drawings of November 24 2009

This Q&A is for the upgrade kit of the Zodiac 601XL & 650 based on drawings of Nov. 24, 2009 and AMD Safety Alert of November 7. 2009

New drawings:
Nov. 24, 2009: We've updated the draft Drawings 6-ZU-1, 6-ZU-2, 6-ZU-3 and 6-ZU-4, and LAA Aileron Balance.

For very detailed questions (or if you must complain or vent), email me at newplane@gmail.com

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I agree. I like the way the aircraft responds. Frankly, I would prefer a little lighter roll response. I am glad it does not fly like a 172.
Exactly, I have looked at Andy's spade mod. I had considered something like this also. But I am used to it and may just do the mod as designed.

Doug, Matt & Roger,
We do have a spring type system which adds about 10 lbs to the elevator forces. However, we need to test it more before making it an option.

Also, by significantly strengthening the airframe (with the upgrade kit), the aircraft is less fragile. We also hope that as part of the upgrade, all aircraft ASI's will be properly calibrated and marked, making sure that the limitations are not exceeded etc.
We do have a spring type system that adds about 10 lbs to the stick force. However, we want to do more testing before releasing anything.

Also, by significantly strengthening the airframe with the upgrade kit, the aircraft is less fragile to abrupt maneuvers.
On 6-ZU-4, the locations for the L angle skin stiffeners are specified at 370 for the top skin and 350 for the bottom skins. However, in the CH650 plans, they are located at 425 for the top skin only. Why were they moved and is the location critical? I'd rather not have another set of rivet holes in the top of the wing!
There is no reason why they were moved. If you already have the "L" angles installed as per the 650 drawings, that is perfectly fine.
Mathieu, Will upgrade kits for 650 be coming out at same time as 601 kits? Is the only part differance the skin doubler above the wing spar opening? If they are not coming out at this time, when would you expect them to be available? Thank you , Jerry
I believe that you can use all the upgrade parts of the 601 on the 650. Yes, there are a few very small differences, such as the 6-ZU-3-3 or the location of the top skin "L" angles. So if you have a 650, order the 601 upgrade kit.
Is it necessary to lift the fuselage off the gear to do the upgrades? The photos and videos seem to show that the Front Seat Panels, 6B15-4, have been removed. However, the rear row of rivets for these is set from inside the gear channel, so I don't see how you get at them without raising the fuselage off the gear. By removing the L-angles from the Seat Panels, and also by removing the Gear Uprights, 6B11-3, it might be possible to bend the Seat Panels up far enough to install the new side doublers, 6ZU-3-2, and the 6ZU-3-4 angles under the Seat Panels, but I'm not sure this would be considered an "approved" procedure. Please advise.

Regards: Stephen Martin N601RS s/no 65347
I am in the same boat. I installed these rivets from the bottom also. Not sure yet but I was thinking I could bow them back sufficiently to do the mod. We will have to see. Does anyone have any good ideas?
If you can bend the seat panels enough, that is acceptable so long as you are not damaging someone by the bending.

What may work for one may not work for another, so Zenith is doing the upgrade one way, where you can do it another. We all need to use common sense when doing this.
So I think you are saying that Zenith did take the demo aircraft off the gear to remove the seat panels, right?

Steve Martin N601RS 65347


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