Q&A - Zodiac 601XL -650 for the latest upgrade drawings of November 24 2009

This Q&A is for the upgrade kit of the Zodiac 601XL & 650 based on drawings of Nov. 24, 2009 and AMD Safety Alert of November 7. 2009

New drawings:
Nov. 24, 2009: We've updated the draft Drawings 6-ZU-1, 6-ZU-2, 6-ZU-3 and 6-ZU-4, and LAA Aileron Balance.

For very detailed questions (or if you must complain or vent), email me at newplane@gmail.com

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I am in the process of building a CH 650 (just received the kit in June 2009). I have not done anything with the fuselage. I have been holding off starting the wings until these mods are released. I too am wondering about revised 650 plan sheets, and necessary parts. I would rather incorporate the changes into the build instead of applying patches (example, the external upright doubler). Also, I have a brand new set of main spars (from the kit) laying on my table, and the center spar has not even been unwrapped. Is there any way I can exchange these for the “new 650 spars” for a nominal fee? I would like to build the “B” model (.063 thicness center webs) that new kit purchasers will get.
Can you provide an option for replacement center section webs (0.063") bent to shape and supplied as "blanks "
I have figured out a method to transfer over the old spar caps from the 0.032" existing one ,so that they line up
exactly with the wing spar bolt holes .
I dont want to unrivet and completely dismantle the old one ,only to add 4 0.063" match drilled patches over the top ,just my preference .
I am still at the stage that I hope to be able to "split the difference" by moving the center section back by half the additional thickness -ie taking into account the extra 0.125" wing root doubler and additional 0.062" by using NEW 0.063" webs to replace the 0.032"ones -the center section overall will be 0.187" WIDER ,thus I shall move it BACK 0.093" and hopefully will not end up having to redrill a new set of holes in the front sideskin thus avoiding the need for that "sorry"hideous patch on the outside to cover up the old holes ,I shall add the gussets to the inside and rivet the entire section all around with solid AD4 rivets .
Can you please advise if you can supply these blank 0.063" webs along with the rest of the upgrade kit parts for those of us that would rather go down this route ?.
We are looking into this right now. For customers who have not installed the spars, it may make sense for some to ship the spars back for the "NEW" 650 factory built spars. Yes, there will be a cost to this but it will be a lot less than a typical new spar. One of the main costs will be in shipping. Zenair in Canada will be doing the "NEW" 650 spars, so contact Anita at Zenair in January for all the details. We are working on the prices right now.
I bought my kit from ZAC in Missouri. Are they going to have the "new spars", or only Canada ?
We are working out these details. However, I believe that you will be dealing with Zenith on all this, as to not confuse things.
Concerning the rivets for the seat panel under above the gear leg, my rivets were also put in from the underside and the heads can't be accessed without removing the gear. I took a Dremel tool with a cut-off wheel and cut the "tails" off the rivets and punch them through. The the remaining heads aren't that large and they can just rattle around in there as far as I'm concerned. Maybe during landings when the strut bows down, they might even fall out.
Good option. I was thinking about the same thing. I will try it on a test sample first. It will be nice to open up the whole assembly. Good ol dremel.

Good idea which could save a lot of time.
There is no problem with this procedure.

Ditto on what David said. I can keep my spars since I have one almost assembled but my center section hasn't been touched.


Jeff Webb
SN 7399
Yes, we will be able to change the 650 and 601 XL spars for those that do not want to do the upgrade. Yes, there will be a cost to this and will have all the details worked out in January. This is for kits that have not yet been assembled. The cost will be less for Zenair to upgrade your existing spar sections instead of exchanging them for the new 650 spars.
I noticed in your final Dec 9th drawings 6-ZU-2 you have deleted the gussets for the front and rear wing uprights. Is this due to the new upright doubler on page 6-ZU-3. Also would it make sense to add a bellcrank support to the 6th rib as well to further strengthen the bellcrank area as well as the L angles being installed?


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