I am still browsing CraigsList for engines. This is too far away from me but it sounds very promising for an engine core. One is even still running. Below is the email response I received as well as the original CL link/ad. Let me know if anything positive comes of me posting this.

I have a complete 110 engine from a 1965 Greenbrier  (T0901RU) that is disassembled and looks great for $375.00.  I also have a complete 1965 110 (T1208RH) that is a complete and good running engine for $475.00.
I cannot ship, so you would have to make arrangements to pick up here in SW Michigan.

John (269) 277-0763


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Hey Steve.
Yes I know Brett has those two. Haven't looked at then in detail. As I understand it, he is in no hurry to sell at the moment. So I guess I am leaving that up to a second option. Plus... I kind of would like the experience of finding an original, untouched, dirty, oily mess of an engine and tearing it down then making it shiney new myself. But, my random searches have found it increasingly difficult to find that scenario at least close to home in FL. I'm not "needing " an engine quite yet anyway as I have lots of airframe yet to build. And I'd probably end up tripping over it in my garage/shop/aircraft manufactory. ;-). If you hear word that he wants to unload one sooner than later let me know. Otherwise he has more storage space than I for the moment. :-)
Hope you make it back state side soon to resume work on your "Struzer". :-P (STOL-CruZer)
I have contacted John as well. Sounds like he has a number of options including disassembled which I think WE advises against.

I looked into building a Corvair engine for my project, but decided on a Lycoming.  While looking into the corvair, I put an ad in Craigs List for a Corvair engine.  I got a few local offers.  You might want to put an ad in your local Craigs List to see what offers you get.


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