Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had recieved there update kit yet?............I ordered mine as soon as i got the e-mail that an order form was available.. I've been watching my checking account to see if the money has been debited but I have not saw any indication thay it has. Its not lookin to promising for a christmas vacation head start on reassembly!!!!!! Oh well

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Greg, I received my kit on Monday, shipped on the 15th or 16th. My order number was 7878. Call the factory in the morning. They did prioritize the list, but that was based on the information you provided. I told them I was ready to install, but then I got distracted, but I will start on the center wing tomorrow.

This Holiday Season will be a riveting experience ;-)

Thanks for the info Jake!!!

Boy that really strips my gears! My order number was 7890 and I havent heard a word. . I've been reluctant to call the factory as im sure they are swamped with calls already. My plane was done and scheduled for inspection when this all came about. Guess I should have told them I was flying it already! I've got one wing open and all the solid rivets drove out, The center spar is out and ive got the rear attatchment brackets removed. Pretty much at a stand still till i get some parts!!!!!!! I think I will call them tommorrow and see whats up...
Mine arrived on Tuesday. I ordered on the first day they were available to order. CC was billed 4 days prior to arrival. I am sure the holiday shipping rush is slowing things up a bit.

Dave G
My order number was 7873 ordered as flying need ASAP and have heard nothing!!
Greg... my order is 7918. On top of that I ordered the LED lights and the new wing tips and asked them to ship everything with the upgrade kit. I was already flying ... had 32.6 hours on it. At this point, wings are open, center spar dismantled and waiting for parts. I spoke with the factory last week and they said it would be a couple of weeks.

They were trying to get about 20 kits out per day.. but they are running out of parts and are now waiting for suppliers to catch up. I figured it will be next year before I get anything. It would have been nice to be able to work on the upgrade during the vacation period. Oh well.

Merry Christmas
Oh my,

20 kits per day?, from all the pictures I had been seeing of the factory it looked like they had hundreds and hundreds of parts ready to ship? I wander how many kits was ordered? I'm sure there will be some of the flying fleet reluctant to upgrade there a/c.. I know how excited I was at the prospect of geting to finally make that first flight, I can only imagine how you fellas felt when when you had to take your finished a/c out of service. Must have been a real dissapointment!!!!!!! I guess we will get our parts in due time and be back flying ASAP. Merry Christmas....
You should never hesitate to call the factory. Over the years they have been the best source of information. Don't strip anymore gears, just one more thing you will have to fix ;-)

I didn't have enough clecos to open up both wings, so I drilled out most of the rivets on the second wing. I left every 4th rivet in place, but they are pre-drilled. Might be an opportunity to prep the second wing.

Hope this is the only bump in an otherwise excellent Holiday season.

I called the factory today and it appears that i won't recieve the kit until the second week of january. Like you I removed the majority of the rivets on the second wing to try and get a leg up on this project! Did you remove any solid rivets yet? I did and WOW are they in tight!!! An air hammer with a punch is a must.



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