Three pics showing my version of the dual stick mod. 



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Very nice.  Thank you.


What bearing is that?  Can you still get full aileron with the stick forward?

The bearings are made from PTFE (Teflon) stock on my lathe. 1 3/8 OD x 1 1/8 ID.

I do not have enough assembled to determine throws at this point, but in anticipation of clearance problems, I located the stick pivot point high in the pitch yokes. This allows the proper arm length below the stick pivot, while minimizing the swing distance during pitch movement.

Have you seen the dual sticks conversion kit from Zenith for the 750?  Roger said that they do not recommend the kit for the 701 because of "different loafing factors" from the 750.  I'm not quite sure what he means by that.  I am also in correspondence with George Race who used the 601 dual stick design as a basis for his for his 701. 

Did you need to make many changes to the Y-yoke configuration from the torque tube back?

Since I'd like to have dual sticks I left the fuselage for last in the construction sequence, but I should be ready to start construction once I finish the remaining wing ... probably mid-July or so,

Any thoughts/info you might provide would be appreciated ... Thanks

Very, very nice!!!  Impressive work!

Hi Steven,

I have done the dual stick conversion also on my CH701 and found out that the travel of the stick in dual is greatly dimished giving marginal aileron control. This is due to the fact that the stick bumps on your legs rather quickly making the deflection less than if you wre using the central stick. I have lenghten the flaperon rod horn part by 3 inches and made 2 holes to move the flaperon control pushrods outward to regain movement. I already tried the first inner hole and found it was better but still somewhat marginal. So, in the next few weeks I will move the flaperon control pushrods outward (2nd hole) to see if aileron control gets where I want it.



CH701sp C-GFEU

I wonder what Roger meant by different loafing factors? anybody know about that?

I did a dual stick conversion on mine and haven't had any problems like Norm mentioned. No clearance probs at all. I di get the aileron ratios outa whack to begin with and it flew surprisingly bad. Felt like semi outa control when slow.

I made mine so could remove the copilot stick and run w/o it installed all the time cause Rockie complained he didn't like it in front of him. Something about couldn't see the engine gauges as well as before.

When the Flight Engineer says to do something, you had better do it; lest the consequences...!

Thanks to everyone for the interest and discussion of this mod. I am particularly proud of the dual sticks. They fly great.

When I flew with Roger at the factory, the center stick kept banging our legs, and during flare, Roger elbowed me in the bicep. This is when I decided on dual sticks. Both removable (like Joe Spencer's who's youtubes are great by the way).

  During mock up, I also found I had insufficient aileron throw. I resolved this by shortening the fwd roll tq tube bellcrank. I posted sketches in my photos. You can see the edits where I made a few changes after mock up.

To Kurt, I have no idea what "loading" factors the factory is referring to. To answer your question, I removed the pitch bellcrank from the roll tq tube and relocated it, bracket and all, on the fuel pump mount bracket (see build log), and installed an electric actuator for the flaps since the dual sticks were now in the way.


Looks good, thanks.  I've got some time so I'll keep looking at the dual sticks installs, but for now I am leaning that way.  I like the removable stick for ease of entry.  I have a pair of Ray Allen stick grips.  5 switch for pilot side and single for passenger.  Looks like that will work too.

I have a Viking on order (1 Aug. delivery).  I'll also be watching for replies to your engine mount issue.  Was Jan at Viking able to help?

Once he saw that video, he said "send the mount back". It was made wrong. He fixed it and sent it back within two weeks. It was perfect upon return. See build log for more details.

Engine installation

You can see the dual sticks at the end of this video

 >>>because of "different loafing factors"

>>>To Kurt, I have no idea what "loading" factors

loafing or loading? obviously, loading makes more sense. still don't know what he's talking about tho

one thing I watch closely with my dual stick setup is foreign objects jamming the elevator actuator arm. it's close to the floor and something like a pencil could do it. Murphy...

the center stick wouldn't let me relax my right leg w/o pushing on it and after a while my left lower back/flank started hurting. now can let it flop sideways to the right and lower back isn't loaded. much better for me. I made it tall too...I always liked a long stick. can rest both hands on top of it...feels good, looks cool. yeah...


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