What is everyone using to press the sleeves on the rudder and elevator cables. The hand tools I have seen are quite expensive to only be used a couple of times. I was wondering if there is a cheaper tool avalable.Of course for safety reasons I want them done right.

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Usually you can find them on E-Bay fairly cheap.... This is probably the single most important connection besides the wing attach bolts. Talk to someone from a local EAA chapter.. somebody will loan you the tool.
I found a tool at my local Home Depot in the hardware department for less than $30.00. I believe it was located next to the cable and ropes.
Hi Rodney,

Aircraft spruce has this economy swaging tool: http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/topages/swagingtool.php

Its $18.65 USD and worked well for me.
Lowes sells a cheap one also. Whatever you do be sure to either measure the crimp or buy the gauge from Aircraft Spruce to check the crimp. Most all of the tools are adjustable and without checking the crimps it impossible to know if it is adjusted correctly.
I bought the one at Lowe's next to the cables and ropes as well. I was unaware until a couple attempts with it that it had an adjustment on it that changed the compression on the sleeve. After making this adjustment I easily made mine pass the go/no-go gauge using it.
Thanks to everyone for there help. I just orderd the one from aircraft spruce and the go no go gauge as well.


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