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Hello all. Doing my annual. I am thinking about changing out my motor mounts for the Jabiru. I see that some folks have been using the Sonex mounts. Any feedback on how they work. Also would love to hear any tricks or techniques for changing them out. Thinking about supporting the motor and loosing up all 4 then tilting up to do the lowers then down for the uppers. Any feedback appreciated.
I did the same a few years back when mine started to sag. I used an engine hoist and tipped back and forth just like you mentioned. The Sonex mounts are harder, but I did not notice a big increase in felt vibration in the cockpit.
Thanks Dave, I am gong to chat with Jab first. But I think I am going to order the Sonex mounts.
I am in the middle of my annual and did the head inspections. I noticed some black deposits around the exhaust valve rockers. I removed the heads adn sent them to Pete at Jab for inspetion. I am kind of suprised since I have had good Head temps. Usually around 160 C. I also had failry decent compression, 80/70 at worst. WIll let you know how it goes, I will post pictures and such when I get a little further.
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