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I installed the Viking Steel Spring Bungee last fall and have about six hours and ten or so landings on the system.
So far all is good - I operate for the most part on a paved strip but on occasion I use the grass/sod/sand strip on the side of our runway. I really like the system - I don't plan to do any serious stolin so it works for me.
You can find a copy of the report that I wrote to Viking about my particular experience with the install and results in their web site or in the blog pages of this site.
If for some reason you can't pull it up friend me on the Zenith site and I'll forward one to you.
Still grinning!
Phil Smith
CH 701 912 ULS
Buhl, ID
I have the steel bungee on my 750 (with an O235). To date have about 15-20 hrs and 40+ landings with it and I'm very happy so far. I was not unhappy with the shock cord as far as it's function but it failed at about 20 hrs. Not somthing to have happen while in the boonies someplace.
I too had the shock cord fail on grass and at 17 hours. 83 hours and hundreds of grass landing later, the spring is still like new.
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