Has anyone heard or know of a reason not to mix turnbuckle hardware?

In my case I would like to use a long turnbuckle barrel with short turnbuckle ends.  It would save me from having to run new cable lengths for my rudder controls which I have initially rigged a bit too short.

All thoughts and input appreciated!!


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You must of read that in the 43.13-1a and b standards manual? Or is that from zenith?
I don't remember reading that when rigging mine. Would be a good question for your a&p friend.
Doesn't make Amy sense it is a linear pull.

"Experimental" allows you to decide. however in the world of part 43. there are no requirements of matching ends, or length of barrel. Just don't allow any exposed threads and don't forget to pin or safety.

Roger -  It was my own problem solving thought and question and since the AC 43 did not specifically address the question, I thought I would pick the "collective forum brain."  I also posted on the EAA maintenance forum, lots of views but no replies.  The A&P guys I work with say it's not a standard practice they have seen, but will not commit to an answer either way yes or no as to acceptability.  I think it will be fine if I elect to do so.

Steve and Tara - Kinda what I was thinking, nice to have some input from other builders.  I am delighted and impressed to see your panel design concept!!  Unique build!!

Thanks all for the replies...Dave


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