I have three new Matco split rims and two leak air, have tried to tighten them and still no luck.Help Please

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where are they leaking from??

They are leaking from the area around the bearing to inside rim? surface. The part where it would seem the rims come together but don't seal?

I had a similar problem on the nose wheel of my 701 project, the o ring was in the correct place but it still leaked. Not sure if my idea was a good one but I just used a can of tyre weld and spun the wheel round a few times then inflated the tyre to the normal pressure. It's been fine ever since. I guess the other answer is to split the rims and fit an inner tube.

The rims that I had from matco were not a great fit/seal even with the o ring.

Thanks, appreciate your help.

A little tire lube on the O ring helps to seat it into the center and then inflate to 32 PSI to seat every thing

Thanks Paul,
I bought this from someone and didn't check to see if there were o rings so my mistake and guessing if they aren't in their than that could very well be the problem.
mine did the same and after 3 trials I gave up and installed a tube. No problem since.

Thanks, I appreciate your help.

Sometimes it is tricky to seal the split rims. It is critical that the o-ring does not have any twist in it which is tough to get it right. Also some o-ring lube or tire lubricant will help the o-ring seat.

I really hate tubes, so if I can’t get the one slow leaking rim that I have stopped, I am going to cure it by using pro-seal between the rim halves. Pro-seal is often used to seal riveted fuel tanks. That should fix it...

Yes Joe that would probably work and it would seal the rims but I would be concerned if I had to replace the tire. Pro seal is really tough stuff and I have used it on my Mustang but it doesn't lend itself well to removal. But thanks for the comments.

Another option is to run a small bead of RTV between the halves  when when bolting together. Now do not forget the obvious as I did, a bad  valve stem core.


Well add me to the list of dissatisfied Matco customers. Mounted all three new wheels and tires yesterday, confirmed the rubber o-ring was wet with lube and in position, seated the beads, inflated to 20 psi, then reduced to 15 psi. I checked all around the rim and valve stem, no leaks at 15 psi. Today I have one completely flat, one down to 6 psi, and one still at 15 psi. Going to try inflating to 20 psi and bouncing each tire like a basketball, rotating it as I do so. I will try this as interestingly I did this to the only tire that is still inflated, just horsing around. Coincidence that this tire is still holding air and the others are not? I'll find out. Anyway If that fails I guess I have to take them apart and try something else...


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