So this evening, the rudder kit purchased on April of 2005 took its maiden flight. Of course there were a few more parts attached to it. The flight was uneventful even though I wound up with some electrical concerns. My COM stopped working.

A little elevator trim and then some Aileron trim.

The video attached is a short clip from my wife's phone, thus the rotation!! I'll get a first flight video shortly.

All one can say is you will never forget it!

Rich Simmons

N997DC - Flying

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Congrats on that first flight. It gets me motivated to build more when I see videos like this. Thanks for sharing!

Very, very nice! 

Way to go, Richard!! I love your wife's reaction. I think mine will have a few more choice words when I get to that stage. Love the paint job!

Hope you have many safe flight hours ahead of you

Concur, the green car,  + your green Zodiac, blend right into the green grass. Touch up paint for one Green Machine  will work for the other.

Congratulations!  All the hard work paid off!

Well done. 

- Pat

Congratulations!  Beautiful paint job. Took me forever to figure out iPhone orientation.  I learned to keep menu button on right or bottom.

Wife tried

Search simmor2 on YouTube. It's a bit better

Congrats from Idaho!

Love the colors and paint scheme!

Blue skys ahead



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