I have a dual stick 601XL (B), ref 6DS1-X drws.

The elevator bell crank assembly attached to the right side of the torque tube is displaced to the left from vertical when the cables are tensioned. Moving the tube left or right (ailerons) varies the cable tension from 30 to 60. I can't adjust the displacement out of the assembly. I'm not sure that this is a problem but thought I'd throw it out for help. Anyone else run into this situation?

Victor Kidd
N922VK at CRW, Charleston, WV
Under Upgrade

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I applied the recommended cable tension at neutral elevator and also saw lower tension at full down and higher at full up. I was not a high as your 75. I think is was closer to 60.
75 pounds definately to high sure the top part of the belcrank on the control stick wasn't making contact before the stops at the tail? Just a wild guess.
Don't know much about this on the zodiac as I am not that far into the build yet but being an aircraft engineer I can tell you from my experience that most cable tension will change like this. For example on most piper aircraft you have to set your rear stabilator to neutral when setting aileron cable tensions because in any other position they will vary quite a bit although not to the extremes you are talking about more like 10 to 15 pounds from memory. Even after doing tensions with that stabilator in neutral for example I still always check what the extremes as you seem to have done above. I'd personally recommend talking to someone who maintains the factory built aircraft as they are all dual stick I think and would be maintained using the proper maintenance manual. Most likely they will say it's fine but it's better to play it safe. Sorry I couldn't be more help

Regards Jake


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