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Hi all. I've just purchased plans to build a CH650B but they didn't come with drawings for the Rotax 912 engine mount. Can anyone provide a link to the drawings, Zenith told me I could find them at under builder resources but I can only find assembly guide photos. I want to build the engine mount from scratch rather than buying them.
Thanks in advance,
Larry, to my knowledge Zenith does not have any drawings available on their website other than the samples of drawings they show for samples of drawings. Only the photo assembly guides are available as you have already discovered. I could be wrong but I would contact Zenith again and ask them to guide you to these drawings while you are on your computer. However I will really be surprised if these drawings are really available on line. Let me know what you find out from Zenith. Thanks.
Thanks Larry. I've only just received the plans and am a long way off needing the engine mounts so I will contact Zenith again when the time gets a bit closer.
Thanks so much for your help.
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