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I received my CH 750 kit here in the UK and I think it's great - and I have been making steady progress with it ever since. As I am building for the English climate I am degreasing and epoxying as I go.
I have not ordered an engine or a propeller yet but I have the Firewall Forward kit for a Rotax 912 and am planning to fit the 100 HP engine.
This is the first CH 750 to be built in the UK - so obviously there is not a lot of local experience of this aircraft on this side of the Atlantic. I can see that there are large numbers of CH 750s flying in the USA and Canada.
The thing that I don't know - is what propeller and what pitch and diameter to fit. Obviously there is variation in whether one optimizes for climb or cruise and it would be useful to know which is best for which purpose. From my previous building and flying experience I know that there can be lots of variations and subleties in propeller selection. At the moment I have no idea what ball park I am in, at all.
Would some kind person be so good as to tell me which propeller works for the aircarft in his / her experience. I should be most grateful.
All the best,
Tony Oliver
Hi Tony give Jim a call at Whirlwind Props. I have just got one of his props and its a work of art and very tough in respect to bush runways, the guys in South Africa all opt for this prop.Nice stainless steel insert on the leading edge.Also check if you would need a spacer hub, if so contact Sam at Sabre Engineering.Also this prop very simple to set pitch.
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