Almost ready to sell my 701 out of frustration in trying to get a Light Sport License here in central Cal. No Trainers available. Anyone know of anyone willing to fly off 38 hours of test flying.  1.7 hours on the airframe.  Doug Duggar flew the first flight.

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Not sure where in Norcal you're located but Northcoast Air at STS has a Cessna 162 available for flight training. I recently took my flight review in it.

Thanks for the reply Gary, but I'm in the Central Valley (Merced) area.

There have been several issues to include a local flight school going out of business, a local CFI losing his lease on his plane, and of late I had another CFI who was initially interested in flying off the 40 hours of flight test time, decide that he didn't have the time.  I'm getting up in years, and not really interested anymore in flying anything other than my plane, let alone the expense these days, thus if I can get the 40 hours flown, then I can get instruction in my plane.  The nearest 152 is an hour and a half away, and after several trips, its evident that, although the two planes are somewhat similar, their flight characteristics are very different, and a license in the 152 won't necessarily make me a safe pilot to fly off my flight test period.  Or maybe I'm just being a wus!!

Perhaps he could go straight to Sport Pilot (via Buzz) on the 750. 

Give Buzz a call and ask him.

Buzz did my transition training.  Great learning experience, and when I got home the first thing I did was fly my own plane for the first time.

Patrick Hoyt


It's an hour an 15 minute drive from you, and they don't have a light sport similar to yours, but have you considered this:

Have you tried Paul Hamilton's flight training center in Carson City, NV?

He is looking for something within reasonable distance from his home, I gathered. He needs to get his Sport Pilot license, not just transition training.

Thanks for the help/tips.  I really appreciate the experimental community and the passion we share for flight.  I will look into these tips, in the meantime I will also continue to try to find a licensed pilot/cfi who would be willing to fly off the 40 hours.  My preferred course at this point is to get the license in my 701.


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