Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
I'm looking for a Corvair engine mount for Zenith 701. Any available?
hi jack check azalea aviation he made one for me did a good job talk to bill clapp,,
Thanks I will. BTW what was his cost?
i dont remember excactly i was the only 701 corvair flying had over 250 hours on it untill the owner had a very hard landing i thought it was around 5-600.00 dollars but you have to call him 229-834-8996
William Wynn or Dan Weseman should also be able to fabricate one for you.
Here is the very extensive page from all the work they did on the 701/Corvair combination.
Check Gary Richmond at topsaddle [at] att [dot] net. A month or so ago, he had a Corvair/CH701 mount that was reputed to have been fabricated by Roy's Garage.
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