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On my 701, I built the horizontal stabiliser first. And now , when trialfitting it on my (not riveted yeat) fuselage ? ? ! I am missing 6 mm distance between the 2 front brackets on the stab.!!!! Yes i DID built it acc. drawing, The drawings must bee wrong. (drawings stating 252mm between brackets, drawings say allso that the bulkhead to be 253mm, add thicknes of longerons, skin and brackets on the outside of the bulkhead. . . ) I have seen pictures of brackets on the fuselage that is cracking!
I can play superman and make it "fit", but that is not the way you "fix" problems.
Anyway, the plan is to make my own brackets on the fuselage, and bend (a mild Z) them 3mm each so it is fitting nicely.
Any comments using 1,5mm stainley-steel?
Einar-Arne Kleiven
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